
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.


I just finished watching the movie "Barbershop." It is supposed to be a comedy but on the weak side - at least that's what I thought. But what surprised me was the striking resemblance between that barbershop and ones in Albania (or at least the ones I used to go to)!

I admit it, I've never been to a "inner city" barbershop here in the States. Heck, I don't think I've been to a true barbershop, I don't think those mall "salons" or Bo-Rics are considered barbershops :)

But, going back to what I was saying about the resemblance, it's really fascinating. Here we have two countries on different sides of the Atlantic, two completely different cultures (or are they?) and yet quite similar. As I was growing up in Albania, I've been a regular customer at only two barbershops. But, they sure were more than just a place to get your hair cut. If you wanted to know the latest gossips, that's the place. If you wanted to discuss passionately about sports and even listen to the most confident sports analysts and forecasters, that would be the place to go to. Wanted an opinion about a new movie? You guessed it! Heck, one of my barbers there was even a tailor, so not only you could get a haricut but pair of pants tailored (quite popular among the "in" crowd those days since the pants sold in stores had nothing to do with fashion and were a "one style/size fits all" type) as well and fashion advice.

Maybe some sociology Ph.D. should do a study on these similarities.
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By Blogger shqipo, at 8:18 PM EDT

You're absolutely right! It is something interesting that I don't understand either. So close - yet so far.    

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