
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

2005 - in memoriam

As the year 2006 starts here on the Eastern time zone, I guess a review of 2005 is customary. Friends of mine do that when they send out Christmas cards. I've never done it, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to write a short one this year - it sure beats watching a supersized Mariah Carey on TV lip-singing from Times Square.

Where to start... . Of course, the main event of 2005 for me was the birth of my first child, Ema, on 9/11. She sure is growing quickly. It's quite amazing to notice the gradual change on her as she grows. Others are saying she's becoming quite cute - but I don't know if I should be happy or worry about that :)

I was able to make new friends, and probably lost a couple along the journey - but the balance is on the positive side. There have been other things happening as well (how much more vague can I get?), some happy, some sad. I've heard people say "things happen for the best" or something similar. So far, I think it's a bunch of B.S. But I shouldn't let unhappy moments determine my future; I just need to archive them together with the happy ones and live another day.

Professionally, there were changes in my life as well. I started teaching some online business classes for Colorado Tech University. I am continuing to teach part-time for ITT Tech, as well as started to teach online for their MBA program.

For the first time in 360°'s a little over 3 years existence, I was faced with non-paying clients which is creating my first legal battles. Some people may consider this a sign of growth - I sure hope so! That is, IF those battles will be resolved to my advantage - as they rightfully should.

Here's a toast (no champagne - but a nice Cabernet Sauvignon) for a much happier 2006!

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By Blogger Paul, at 2:17 AM EST

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