Yesterday was the first real test for my Scoobie: we had the first real snow this winter. Needless to say, it did pass the test - quite well. Since this is the first AWD car I've ever owned, I wasn't sure what to expect. And it's the first one with ABS brakes as well, so it caught me by surprise when I felt this thumping on the brake pedal, when it went through some snowy places (OK, maybe I went there on purpose). Controlling was good, and the weight of the car did help to keep it on the road, especially during some strong wind on I-75.I'm happy with it. As someone else said it before (with modifications, of course): "SUV's, you ain't got nothing on me." Heck, I'm even thinking of putting a large plow on this baby and make some $$ plowing parking lots!There's one think I realized though: weather a car is 2 WD or AWD does not really effect a car's ability to break. Afterall, all cars have breaks on all 4 wheels.
This entry was posted
on Thursday, November 24, 2005 at 10:53 AM.
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I am glad that you finally are experiencing smth like this for the very first time
I'm glad too, anonymous. And I'm glad you're glad for me being glad. :)
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