How much more reality?

Why do we need to watch "reality" on TV? Don't we live reality every hour of our life? I thought we watch TV and spend $8.50 (plus drinks and pop-corn, and gas) to go watch movies because we want to escape somehow, even for a short time, from our reality? Then how can this attraction for this "reality TV" (which is not that real anyway) be explained? Could it be because we love to snoop into other peoples' lives? I think that's the reason why.
Almost every TV station started their own "reality" show, even History Channel and Discovery ones got involved! But it looks like human resources have been now we'll have to watch gorillas. It looks like the Checzs are going to broadcast live from the Prague zoo 1 male gorilla and 2 female ones (lucky bastard!) as they, well, monkey around their cage. Wow, that will be sooo interesting and educating! Here's a better idea for an animal reality show: it's called a ZOO! Take your family on Sunday and take a trip there, isn't that enough reality?
The news about this new show