
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Blog all the way

I have to say, I'm fairly new to the "blog" scene but I like it so far. I think about all sorts of issues all the time and this is a way to "get rid" of such thoughts/opinions, sort of a way to let some "intellectual steam" out - without hurting anyone (physically). Although I'm not sure how many people actually read my mumblings.

Despite my own blog's low readership, blogging has become quite important for different issues. Companies, after seeing how blogging from some of their employees were hurting their image, are now trying to utilize it to their own advantage to promote their new products/services. Microsoft, for instance, is encouraging (paying?) its employees to blog (and defend the company, of course).

But what caught my attention was the news today that a new website which will combine traditional journalism from well-known web journalists with the commentary feature of blogging. Frankly, it's not new, I've seen that before. But now it's turning into a serious commercial project.

So, to all the bloggers out there, I say: Blog on!
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