
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

"Cool mom"

I guess the writers of American Pie did know something when they coined the term "MILF." And people keep amazing me with their actions. I really wonder what the hell were they thinking? Today, the judge sentenced the Colorado "cool mom" with 30 years in prison for organizing sex parties and providing booze and drugs to 8 high school boys.

The shallow person inside of me would have screamed "where were these moms when I went to school?" but I'm not. The reason why I'm not saying it is because it doesn't really attract me (especially after I saw her photo!), especially the drug part. And the part that really confuses the hell out of me is the reason why she did what she did. I would have understood if this 41 year old happened to be attracted to a 16 year old boy full of hormones. But to act that way just because she wasn't popular in high school and was trying to make up for those years is really bizarre.

Do I agree with that sentence that she got? Absolutely not! First of all, although she only got 2 years of her sentence (I think) for having sex with "minors", I don't think the boys were traumatized...OK, looking at her pic, maybe they were. Supplying alcohol to "minors" is something that would be laughable in another country where the drinking age is much lower (or non-existant) and frankly, I think 21 is ridicuously high. The drug part...well, I'm inclined to be a little uptight about her supplying them to those boys because I don't use them myself. But then again, we all consume drugs on daily basis - and legally - and noone (rightfully!) gets prison time for that. Simplest example is coffee or soda drinks, etc. Who has the right to tell me what I can or can not take anyway - as long as I don't hurt anyone?

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