
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

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Group sex!

Yes! Now I feel much better and I'm moving to Canada! A judge in Montreal (ah, the French...) just considered group sex as non-harming and legal (when behind closed doors). Groovy baby - as a famous movie character would say.

What I don't understand is why is group sex considered illegal in the first place? Granted, I've never participated in such activities, but limiting harmless things just wakes up the libertarian in me. I may be wrong, but I am under the impression that consensual sex (not rape) hasn't really hurt anyone (yes, even those who are into painful, uhm, "methods" aren't hurt because, I guess, that's how they like it).

So, while it's perfectly legal to wage wars and have thousands of people killed, gather in so-called churches and scream in ecstasy, and so many other things I can't remember right now - it's illegal to have group sex because it's harmful! Is it just me or this just doesn't seem right?

Here's the article.
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