
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Thanks for nothing, weather.com!

I find these things quite eerie: every time I wash my car, it rains the next day, no matter how many times I check the weather forecast. Because of weird weather conditions, I had put off waxing and polishing my car all Spring. I normally do a "thorough detailing" of my car twice a year, once in Spring and once in the Fall (Autumn for anyone outside US). With today's clear coating technology, there's not really a need to wax a car once a month anymore.

With this being sayi, this past Sunday, I gave in and spent over 2 hours doing an intensive Mr. Miyagi style workout. The car looks good good, that's for sure but today it's raining. Arrgh!!


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By Blogger eni, at 4:18 AM EDT

hajde ne Turqi...ketu i bien perhere pikes!jane vertet te sakte ne parashikim moti!    

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