
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Another year gone

They say I was born 32 years ago to this day. Well... so be it. Another year has passed, disappeared into who-knows-what. It was not an uneventful year, and, despite it's difficulties, I don't regret it. Heck, I was even promoted twice! :)

So, here's an empty glass to myself!


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By Blogger Lily, at 11:36 AM EDT

Happy Birthday.:)    

By Blogger belle_fleur, at 11:38 AM EDT

Happy Belated Birthday!!    

By Blogger eni, at 11:48 AM EDT

me vonese dhe me vjen turp...por besome qe kam harruar dhe ku kam koken time..sorry:((

gezuar ditelindjen dhe sa me shume evente te kenshme paƧ me tere te dashurit e tu kete vit!    

By Blogger ELAIS, at 11:54 AM EDT

Gezuar ditelindjen :)    

By Blogger shqipo, at 12:49 PM EDT

ooo shume faleminderit zonja e zonjusha :)

eni, ca turpi mi goc! as mos e thuj fare! :)    

By Blogger ak, at 6:22 PM EDT

U befsh sa te duash kur te duash!    

By Blogger Selfmaderadio, at 10:50 AM EDT

edhe 100 shqipo, cheer up! Nothing changes ;)SR    

By Blogger Josue', at 6:45 PM EDT

empty glass? you? never! :p    

By Blogger shqipo, at 12:12 PM EDT

josue: why do u have this idea that I'm an alcoholic?    

By Blogger tetena, at 6:29 AM EDT

edhe 100 sa te duash vete, kopjuar nga prindi. Per moshen nuk po them gje nderkohe behem xheloze per punen. hec tjetri duhet te bente nje verejtje dhe te ankohej    

By Blogger candyland, at 10:00 PM EDT

Happy belated b-day! Sorry po tani e pashe. Shpresoj tja kesh kaluar mire. Rrofsh sa te dush ti! :D    

By Blogger Bana, at 4:29 PM EDT

happy birthday, it's not so bad for people to forget your birthday. it doesn't mean anything.    

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