Recycling made... hard!
I'm not a person who some may call "tree hugger" but I've been much more environmentally conscious in the past 7 or so years and try to recycle as much as I can.
I have this old laptop that I need to get rid of but I don't want to just throw it away in a landfill. I can't give it away cause it would be embarrassing to give it to someone, it's about 8-9 years old, I think. So I just want to recycle it. I spent over half an hour searching online for a way to recycle this damn thing but nothing! There's only one Goodwill store, which has a partnership with Dell, but it's almost an hour away! I'm not driving 40 miles each way just to dump this laptop - especially since gas went over $3/gallon this weekend!
There was another choice closer by but I have to pay $$ to recycle.
What's an environmentally-conscious guy to do?
I have this old laptop that I need to get rid of but I don't want to just throw it away in a landfill. I can't give it away cause it would be embarrassing to give it to someone, it's about 8-9 years old, I think. So I just want to recycle it. I spent over half an hour searching online for a way to recycle this damn thing but nothing! There's only one Goodwill store, which has a partnership with Dell, but it's almost an hour away! I'm not driving 40 miles each way just to dump this laptop - especially since gas went over $3/gallon this weekend!
There was another choice closer by but I have to pay $$ to recycle.
What's an environmentally-conscious guy to do?
Labels: recycling
eh รง'na ka robi me bo mire , s'te lejne ....
I think more Americans would recycle if it was just a little more convienent
halle halle kjo dynja, hallit te recylit si me ja ba:))
If it's still in working condition you may donate it. Depending where, many elementary or high schools are in desparate need of computers... They might be happy to take it away from you.
People believe that recycling is the way of helping our environment but they forget that recycling process itself costs money and contributes pollution to the environment.
My advise:
-consume less
-reuse (use reusable products not disposables)
-then recycle :))
shqipo, mendoj qe ke ketu nje mundesi biznesi !
I agree with tetena... there is always some nerd kid who will pay 10 bucks to have the laptop run linux on it, and use it for some bizarre purpose...
@josue': i know about them, and I've joined them, but nothing so far. i guess, just like u, they are afraid of albos.
@venus: i'm well aware that it costs $$ and I don't mind paying $20 or whatever to recycle it.
And I did mention that it's really old, who would want to use it?!
Last but not least, thank you for visiting my blog :) Who are you anyway, do we know each other?
who said i fear albos? i love the women. :p
- no shqipo, I don't think we know each other. I came across your blog by chance. I've read some of your postings and I really liked your sense of humor :)
oh ok - thanks venus :) I'm blushing... you don't have a blog?
not yet shqipo, i'm getting there :)
i didn't know blogs had become such a big thing these days.
I think I found a solution:
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