
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

It's a @#$& pet, not a child!

It seems that lately, either people have gone crazier on taking care of their little furry animals (the ones with 4 legs!) or, for some reasons, I am hearing about it more often, from different sources. I'm truly fascinated by people's love and determination for their little animals.

I'm not going to go into the stupid pet clothes that people think are cute or whatever. What shocks me is the medical expenses these people go through. One of my co-workers brags about how she takes care of her little dog who has gone through chemo therapy before, and now, after the dog food fiasco, is taking all sorts of meds, including steroids, to stay alive. Her little dog is currently costing her over $60 a day (meds and food), on top of vet bills! She admits to have spent at least $50,000 so far for her pet - while she still owes $75,000 in high interest student loans.

And you know how everyone gets their dogs and cats "fixed" (meaning, the snip their thing)? Well, this lady thought that was cruel (which it is) so she had them perform vasectomy on her dog (which is reversible)! It's a more expensive procedure, of course.

I do understand that pets have become children for some people but, honestly, I don't spend $60 a day for my daughter. And if I'm going to spend $50,000, it better brings home a diploma!

Yesterday, one of my students asked for permission to leave early because her dog had surgery earlier that day and she wanted to be with him Dog's surgery = over $800. She was discussing this with a couple of her classmates and I overheard another one saying they did a sex change on her cat! I thought I heard it wrong but it was true! And this was not a simple, Because of some kind of urinary track issues, the vet turned her male cat into a little sweet pussy cat (pun intended). Price? "Only" $4000. The funny thing is that she added "and I don't even like that cat, he's mean."

Many people buy health insurance for their animals now, or even use their own insurance to buy meds intended for humans (which, apparently, are OK to be used for animals as well).

A couple of months ago they were showing on TV these new local animal hospitals. Holy crap! I have never seen a regular hospital (for humans!) more luxurious, well-equipped than that one! And prices were ridiculous as well - but they had quite a few clients.

I know I'm not a cold-hearted asshole (JD, keep your comment to yourself), but seriously, this is just beyond logical. Do I need to remind them that there are many people who die (even in this country) because they can't afford health services?

Now I'm pissed!

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By Blogger eni, at 3:13 AM EDT

well I'm pissed to:(    

By Blogger ELAIS, at 1:56 PM EDT

I guess having pets and spending money on them is their way of being "altruistic", in tune with the environment etc.    

By Blogger belle_fleur, at 4:29 PM EDT

Shqipo, one guy at work had to do eye-surgery on his dog because he was going blind. The surgery was about 1500$$ and i was literally shocked to hear this. But, the society that we live in cares more for the animals than for the people that are dying in the streets and are homeless:((    

By Blogger tetena, at 4:44 AM EDT

shqipo edhe une shkruajta diçka mbi te njejten teme. Ne fakt ajo qe mendoj une eshte qe jetojme ne vende sh te pasura dhe njerzit kane lluksin te paguajne tekat e tyre. Veç te shikojme anet pozitive, te gjithe ata njerez qe punojne ne kete industri nuk jetojne ne rruge dhe pronaret e kafsheve, duhet te jene me pak depresiv. Nejse pyetja qe i bej vetes eshte a do te harxhonin gjithe keto leke per nje te aferm, njeri!    

By Blogger tetena, at 4:44 AM EDT

dhe per te te ngushelluar do te ve nje foto tek blogu im sot qe eshte gjithashtu nje pasion i jetes moderne - ta shohim sa do te jesh dakord    

By Blogger shqipo, at 2:26 PM EDT

@elais: you may be right...

@tetena: per cilen foto e ke fjalen?    

By Blogger venus, at 9:57 PM EDT

I was having a conversation during lunch with a friend at work one day. I almost choked when she told me that her cat had just had a hip replacement and they were planning on starting physiotherapy soon so the cat go up and down the stairs again. I wanted to beat some sense into her so bad...
And we're trying to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger?!    

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