
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Va Tech

I'm assuming just about anyone who writes a blog (Americans) has already written up something about the horrible tragedy at Virginia Tech.

It's not my intention to repeat over and over again what pretty much everyone has already said. The reason for my blog entry today is the call by some people to fire VA Tech's President and chief of police. There are quite a few students who defend these two men.

I am not sure how things went in Blacksburg that fateful morning, but, from what I've read on the news, it looks to me like they really dropped the ball. You have two people shot at a dormitory and what do you do? You simply consider it a "domestic dispute" and simply send a campus-wide email? How about blocking off the whole campus trying to find out who did it? Or were they trying to put in practice their CSI skillz and find the killer through stupid analysis 6 months later?


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By Blogger Lily, at 6:18 PM EDT

Apparently they thought they had the guy,it was assumed it was the boyfriend of the first girl shot.So they were questioning him while the real shooter was preparing for the second round.

But still...2 people shot dead seems like a pretty big deal, regardless if it was "domestic" or not. It's quite strange that they wanted to carry on as normal.    

By Blogger Candyland, at 8:36 PM EDT

I'm pretty confused about it too. I thought the president should resign after this, but when I watched the convocation ceremony the next day, he received a standing ovation from everybody in the building.
Also, I read somewhere that they have asked the governor of Virginia, Tim McCain to establish an independent body that will look into the matter. Guess we'll wait and see what they find out.    

By Blogger Josue', at 10:09 PM EDT

The police chief and school president should dust off their resumes....much of the blood is on their hands for no sense of urgency. you knew traditional (tv) and non-traditional (bloggers) would eat the story up...at least reacting quicker would have made a better impression and/or could have actually prevented some of the death....sad situation all around. :(    

By Blogger Candyland, at 10:21 PM EDT

PS: C'e paskam spellu mbiemrin e governatorit per qejf fare..e ka Tim Kaine..lashe nam :D:D    

By Blogger tetena, at 5:06 AM EDT

ne fund te fundit ajo qe me ben pershtypje tek artikulli jot eshte qe njerzit degjojne nje krisem dhe nuk ju ben me sh pershtypje.    

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