
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

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OK, I think I fixed the RSS feed to my blog, so those who do use it (thanks!), should be able to subscribe now (either RSS or Atom).

If it's not working for you, please let me know.
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By Blogger ELAIS, at 10:31 AM EST

Yepp it works.
And it aint' untiteld anymore either.    

By Blogger Candyland, at 11:50 PM EST

OK, call me dumb if you want but how does this thing really work? lool I'm not really good at this blog thing. :)    

By Blogger ELAIS, at 4:26 AM EST

Candy shif shkrimin e Erato tek
Une per vete perdor Google reader.
Sa here qe ka shkrime te reja nga ndonje blogist qe ndjek njoftohem aty.

Kuptohet ka blogje qe i kontrolloj shume me shpesh sec rifreskohen me poste te reja.

Plus qe you don't need to understand its coding intricacies to use it :)    

By Blogger ELAIS, at 4:29 AM EST

Besoj se Shqipo mund ta shpjegoje akoma me qarte.

Ps: Kush s'pyet humbet ;)Keshtu qe te pyesesh eshte "the only SMART thing".    

By Blogger shqipo, at 10:21 AM EST

t'a shpjegon presori moj candyland, mos u merzit hic (mgjths t'a shpjegoi pak Elais), madje e kam me te kollajshme se Erato ;). Une per vete s'perdor ndonje "reader" te jashtem sepse browser modern i kane "mrena" vete, keshtu qe s'ka nevoje me u lodh me googlereader a netvibes, etj.

Cfare browser perdor ti?

Une per vete rralle e perdor Explorer (versionin 7 - nese s'ke upgrade ende, you should!).

1. Per IE7: cdo faqe qe ka ket feed (qe te lajmeron kur ka material te ri), ne IE te "ndizet" nje shenje portokalli katrore me 2 harqe te bardha brenda (shif ket: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/IE/ie7/tour/rss/how.html)

2. Firefox (i rekomanduar si browser): kur shkon ne faqet qe kane rss, ne cepin tjeter (djathtas) te fushes se adreses (ku shkruhet www...) eshte po kjo shenja. Kliko dhe t'a shpjegon vete.

per t'i lexuar, shkon te "feeds"

ka edhe nje tjeter nese perdor outlook: www.attensa.com

nese ke pytje prape, me lajmero    

By Blogger tetena, at 3:27 PM EST

ca marche, punon shqipo rrofsh. Une kam pergatitur nje conto netvibes me te gjitha blogjet shqip ose shqiptaresh. Do ta deklaroj nga java se mendoj qe mgjth jane te thjeshta lidhjet rss, eshte pak teknike. po deshe shikoje

By Blogger Candyland, at 4:34 PM EST

Une perdor Firefox. Thanks per pergjigjet do e shof kur te kem kohe. :)    

By Blogger shqipo, at 5:43 PM EST

@candyland: sa te zene qeket ju andej ne DC... ;)    

By Blogger Candyland, at 12:39 PM EST

sezon provimesh..mos e pyet..    

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