
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Some people are quite interesting

There's this co-worker of mine (Canadian) who is getting married next year. We do talk at work, have gone out a couple of times for drinks, but it's not like we have a true friendship or anything.

To make a long story short, today he sends a bunch of people an email telling us how both him and his fiancee are planning to have their bachelor parties in Las Vegas next January. And, apparently, I have been invited to participate in these "festivities" which include drinking and, most likely, strippers at both parties (for those who live in countris where bachelor parties are not common: she'll have her own all-girls party, and he'll have his all-guys party).

The last line on his email says: "Note that we will be personally insulted if you don't come." Huh?! First of all, I'm still not sure I understand the concept of bachelor parties with strippers. O yeah, let's get wasted and screw these strippers the day before our wedding. Let me get it out of the system before the wedding ceremony. However, such things are very common, even going to Vegas for such parties are not very uncommon. Normally it's the best man who organizes such things, not the groom/bride that request their friends to do so.

His estimated costs for this 2 day trip are $400 (I'm sure it will be more than that). What I don't understand is how can one expect people to come all the way to Vegas (5 hours flight each way, without taking into consideration 2 hours at the airport prior to each flight), spend all that money just so one can have a great time, enjoy strippers (paid by us) and so you can brag "I had a great bachelor party."

I do hope he was joking when he said he'll be insulted if we don't come.
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By Blogger ET, at 2:12 AM EST


By Blogger eni, at 3:34 AM EST

paska çmen ai me duket:( mos e vrit menjen hiç , s'e paske dhe kushedi se ça shoku !    

By Blogger Candyland, at 10:04 AM EST

I like the fact that not all guys like the idea of wasting their money on strippers. :)    

By Blogger bizele, at 4:50 PM EST

qenka i lezetshem ky tipi...
po ne dasem te ka ftuar apo thjeshte ne bachelor party with all your expenses?    

By Blogger eni, at 5:02 AM EST

aman Bizele me mire te mos e ftoje.keshtu i paftyre si qenka ai , kushedi se çfare dhuratash pret nga te tjeret...
nuk ka lidhje por mu kujtua diçka ne lidhje me paftyresine.Mbase e mbani mend kur doli libri "njemije e nje net" per here te pare ne Shqiperi.Ngaqe tirazhet nuk qene fort te larta pati dyndje ne fillim dhe versioni i libirt me kapak te trashe qe me i shtrenjte me sa mbaj mend une.Nejse ne patem fatin ta gjenim dhe e patem blere.Nje "shoqja" e mamit , qe diten qe e bleme na u be rrodhe per ta marre dhe lexuar .PO ke pare ti te te qepet njeriu kaq shume nderkohe qe dhe ti sa e ke marre per vete dhe s'e ke lexuar ende librin.Nuk la femije pa bere be e ku ta di une sa qe mami nuk donte te merrej me me te dhe ja dha.Po e di se cila eshte e forta?
Ajo grua qe prej asaj dite nuk u takua me me mamin tim , madje ndrronte rruge sa here e shihte..Ja paftyresia mund te marre dhe dimensione te tilla dhe te ulerase: ja une jam ketu :)
ka dhe me keq dmth Shqipo.anyway ti kujdes me kete "mikun"...    

By Blogger tetena, at 4:51 PM EST

mos harro te dergosh nje foto per ekspoziten ne paris    

By Blogger shqipo, at 7:34 PM EST

haha eni! ti qeke indidinju me shume se une mi goc! :))

@tetena: po s'kam foto nga Shqiperia :(    

By Blogger eni, at 9:00 AM EST

po a nuk kam te drejte te indinjohem? si thu:))    

By Blogger belle_fleur, at 7:23 PM EST

I heard the same thing some weeks ago, that people were going to Montreal to celebrate the Bachelorete party with stripers. I don't get it and i will probably never will understand this type of mentality. Go and screw someone one night before you are vowing to the one you love that you will be faithful for the rest of life.    

By Blogger Majla, at 6:09 AM EST

Shqipo, u bera kurioze te di a do te shkoje njeri te bachelor party?
pls, tell us! :)    

By Blogger Lily, at 5:28 PM EST

Belle_fleur..that's what I was thinking. Surely the night before your wedding is the worst possible time to go see strippers, be they male or female(not that there is a better time to do so). Frankly, it's disrespectful as well as insensitive.    

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