
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Tragic loss

It looks like I'm going through PMS - and I sure feel that way (I think...). Stressed out and quite a few things piss me off. You could probably see that from my last two posts here, where I used profanities more than usual.

But how can I not be that way? For instance, the death of Anna Nicole Smith today has taken the main spot for American news outlets. Look at CNN's screenshot I just took, it's their most important story! Talk about journalism at its best. Why shouldn't they anyway? A dumb fake-tittie gold-digger blonde whitetrash should every red-blodied American's concern.

Her death, indeed, is a tragic loss for this country. Think about it: one less Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usperson that trashy papers can write about, one less person that some TV network can follow around every week as a "reality show", one less person for lawyers to get money from... and the list can go on. But people are obsessed with women who take their clothes off for money and marry 90 year olds "for love." They made that news the most popular one on CNN as well. Check these pathetic emails! I love this one: "My goodness...... My heart goes out to her and her children. This is a deep hurt." WTF??? I know it's not disrespectful to talk like this for people who just died but how can I help it?

In other very non-popular news, a father let his 2 year old toddler freeze to death, some people were killed in Iraq, etc.

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By Blogger Candyland, at 10:14 AM EST

I totally agree with you. The death of a former playmate should not be the news of the day..for more than a day...come on, how many people die in Darfur every day, or in Iraq? Oh wait, I guess they have become statistics by now, so noone cares to hear about it. Although it's sad that she died at such a young age it is a little bit over the top to turn her death into such sensational news.
But I guess it is this kind of news that sells and therefore journalists are going to use it just as much as they can.    

By Blogger Candyland, at 10:17 AM EST

PS: If it makes you feel better, The Wall Street Journal did not make a big deal out of this :):)!    

By Blogger bizele, at 11:50 AM EST

My theory on your PMS-ing is this: the weather pisses you off, so you write an entry about that; the weather probably makes your cable&internet go out, hence it creates the need for yet another raging entry; the weather depresses you, the weather does not allow you to get outdoors so you stay in and you rant about anna nicole...It all because of the weather dude!

By Blogger ELAIS, at 12:48 PM EST

Unfortunately it is "big news" even in Europe.

I guess people feel better if they blabber about nonsense instead of worrying about real issues.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 1:50 PM EST

@bizele: you're very funny!!!!    

By Blogger Unknown, at 2:48 PM EST

... individe te tille jane produkte te shoqerise ku jetojme vecse. Kush ishte kjo fundja fundit dhe cfare e beri te njohur ?! Fakti se qelloi te ishte Miss July (kot po ja fus) apo fakti sepse trashegoi biliona ?! Per mendimin tim eshte kjo e dyta sepse publiku ketu e ka shume per zemer te beje sensacion cdo gje qe ka te beje me $$ ... dhe sidomos kur qellojne biliona te tille. Komentet qe jane bere keto dy net' jane ne lidhje me kush do te marre beben qe happens to be the heir to all of this... now is it really about one more orphan in this world a billion dollar baby orphan... ?!!!
Ky vend eventualmente do shkermohet ... po ishalla nuk na ze poshte ;) !    

By Blogger shqipo, at 6:11 PM EST

@Candyland: WSJ is probably the only paper that didn't make a big deal about this :)

Even today's local 5 o'clock news OPENED with this crap, as the most important, "breaking" news! And this for a "mother" who went to FL while leaving her 5-month old daughter in the Bahamas!    

By Blogger Josue', at 9:19 PM EST

The "news" is a person's own quest, i.e., not the talking heads that usually just speak to people on autopilot and can flip to the three major local channels for the same recycled trash...    

By Blogger Lily, at 7:32 AM EST

She is on the news because the media knows what people really want to read about. Even if people complain all over the place,that only means the story generates a lot of interest....and that's what tv/newspapers really care about.

This article of yours reflects that very well Shqipo, it has had more comments than any other post on this page.

PS: Primrose Oil...to calm your PMS.;)    

By Blogger belle_fleur, at 11:27 PM EST

eh shqipo, beja hallall se ka qene goxha personalitet per shoqerine amerikane:)))....kur jetojme ne nje shoqeri qe vlereson vetem aparencen dhe lookun atehere c'pret, dhe si rrjedhoje do kete lajme sensacionale si vdekja e ans.    

By Blogger gjergji, at 12:54 AM EST

Ehuuuu une e kam mendjen c'do behet me vajzen e saj. Kush nga 4-5 burrat do dali i ati? Me zor po pres t'filloj procesi gjygjsor i ndarjes se pasurise. ...po m'kujtohen ditet e OJ Simpson ku ndaloi msimi gjate kohes kur po lexohej verdikti.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 9:33 PM EST

@lilly: thank you for your medical advice. I'll remember to take that oil next month. :p

@gjergj: mire e ke ti. po pse s'del edhe ti te thush qe je ti i jati? jo per gjo po bebja eshte milionere ;)    

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