
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

(un)excused absence and new addiction

Those very few of you who, sometimes, read my blog, might have noticed that I haven't written in quite a long time. The reason behind my absence (in case you care to know) has not been laziness or lack of things to write about. Frankly, there are too many things I think about and plan to write about - I even start "writing" them on my mind (mostly during driving) but then don't materialize them.

Here's my confession: I've found a (new) addiction. It doesn't keep me up at night, but it is causing all kinds of issues: eating up precious time, eye deterioration, less time spent with family (causing quite a few aggravations), turning down clients, eating up my finances... and the list goes on.

This addiction is called photography, combined with it's showcase Flickr (damn them internets!). I blame my family (don't we all!) for feeding me the love of photography. After I moved to the US, I didn't have this addiction issue, simply because I didn't have the $$ to buy "equipment" (or even process photos!) and I didn't bring any cameras with me from home.

Then came the "digital" age and I bought a point & shoot. Still no biggie, taking photos yes, but not that serious. And most importantly, I hadn't discovered Flickr yet. Last year I made the big mistake of buying a DSLR camera... and it's all downhill from there. It wasn't cheap, but now there are other expenses that are needed. OK, that's a stretch, they're not really needed but... they are. It starts with a tripod, a bag, then a real flash, new lens... and then another one... you get the point.

And there is Flickr! Damn that site! I catch myself spending hours looking at other people's photos. No, not the "personal" ones. But photos that people have taken. I have become a member of quite a few groups (uhm.... to many) there. I look at other photos and learn, get inspired, etc. In particular, I look at photos taken by people that have the same camera as I do so I can see what the possibilities of this camera are.

When I first "discovered" flickr, one of my co-workers didn't see the point of it, despite the fact that I told him it's basically a huge photo gallery, it's free (he loves free!) and you don't even have to go mingle with other "art snobs" (as my co-worker calls them/us). Surprisingly enough, now he is posting pics on flickr, participating in different groups... .

So, back to my addiction: how the hell can I kick it off?

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By Blogger eni, at 3:43 AM EST

Too late pal! You're now ADDICTED :) You can't get rid of it before finding another toy to amuse you and your egos...
meqe ra llafi kete shokun e paske per tu rraf:) aman te keqen ma thuaj pak nickun e tij ne flickr se u bera kurioze..pa ça njerezish ka...    

By Blogger Lily, at 7:39 AM EST

Come back to the blogging world?    

By Blogger belle_fleur, at 1:20 AM EST

@Eni, jepi kurajo cunit mi se s'di si me ja bo per me heq vesin e Flickrit:))

Shqipo, i am part of that club already so what we have to do is continue but keeping in mind that we have other obligations and responsibilities to our family, our friends, and sometimes work too:))    

By Blogger ELAIS, at 5:39 AM EST

Addiciton's are not curable (unfortunately) they are "controllable" though (to some extent).
The fact that you are talking about the addiction makes for good awareness on your part and for controllability.
Good luck with keeping it at bay and please keep uppdating the blog :)    

By Blogger Josue', at 2:11 PM EST

Welcome back sir. Let's hope the world is now ready for you... :p    

By Blogger tetena, at 10:13 AM EST

shqipo, une i kam pare fotografite e tua dhe jane vertet shume te bukura. Duhet te marresh pjese ne ekspoziten qe organizohet ne france. Per te aplikuar, shiko blogun e Enit ose peshku pa uje ose tek blogu im    

By Blogger shqipo, at 12:35 PM EST

thank you for your encouragement

faleminderit tetena! sapo te lashe nje koment te blogu yt.    

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