
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Cell phones

Last night on local news, they talked about this guy they had caught sending "sexually inappropriate" (I wonder what the definition of that is...) text messages to a 10 year old girl. Now, I could "wonder" how innocent the 10 year old is, how he got her number, how he asked her straight out for sex without any type of "foreplay" and other questions of this nature but that's not my point.

My question is: why does/should a 10-year old have her own cell phone?

And I'm not 100% why and since when have I become such a "tightwad" conservative - especially since I wasn't exactly the perfect kid growing up (and I'm still growing up...).
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By Blogger Josue', at 10:56 PM EST

I agree that NO 10yo should have a cell phone.....

Don't flatter yourself into thinking you are a conservative like RB. :p    

By Blogger Lily, at 1:52 PM EST

That's not conservative, that's just sensible. Why on earth do 10 year old need phones anyway.    

By Blogger ITS, at 3:27 PM EST

I would provide my kids with cell phones hypothetically speaking. I think it would prove necessary in terms of real emergiencies, and coordinations in a fast pace world.

However, I would strictly monitor all usage/text messaging, including GPS tracking. Yes I am a control freak, but I would never blame the technology itself above people's shortcomings.    

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