I realised this in my own refrigerator too , so I just cleaned it up and let only 3 family photos and 2-3 important phone no's :)But the old mood had it's advantages too ....e.g : you wouldn't go that near refrigerator in order not to see that mess :)
Meanwhile, since I can't email you, the reason I threw out my dad's porn was that I was under the impression that he had given me the contents of the storage unit. So in the process of starting to go through it, I threw out all those nasty, crusty, and mostly broken video tapes. After I checked to see that there wasn't money stashed in between them, of course. However, as indicated in the post where I discussed the big blow up between my father and I, I learned that my dad did not give me the contents of the storage unit, and therefore I was incorrect in throwing out the porn. but I don't feel guilty because I think it's funny and I am still mad.
1. Rich: I posted smth on GinaMonster's blog, and she replied here. And how the fuck would I know where your fucking keys are? :P
2. Josue': you're right, it's very easy to declutter it. The problem is I don't want to throw away that nice postcard from Vieste cause, most likely, I won't get another one :(
3. Eni: take a pic of your cleaned up refrigerator :)
4. And last but not least, GinaMonster: I was kidding when I left that comment on your blog.
prit, prit ti sa te te rritet dhe ca cupa e te filloje te zhgaravise, do te te mblidhen lloj lloj vizatimesh tek frigoriferi, pale pastaj kur te shkoje ne shkole dhe te marri flete lavderimi...frigoriferi jot do bjere ne toke.
talluni ju me mu talluni. te shofim si e ca do beni ju kur te beheni nena... . mgjths, ndoshta keni te drejte, rrezik duhet me kriju naj "kend nderi" vetem per ato gjera.
I realised this in my own refrigerator too , so I just cleaned it up and let only 3 family photos and 2-3 important phone no's :)But the old mood had it's advantages too ....e.g : you wouldn't go that near refrigerator in order not to see that mess :)
Mine too. But I like it that way.
Meanwhile, since I can't email you, the reason I threw out my dad's porn was that I was under the impression that he had given me the contents of the storage unit. So in the process of starting to go through it, I threw out all those nasty, crusty, and mostly broken video tapes. After I checked to see that there wasn't money stashed in between them, of course. However, as indicated in the post where I discussed the big blow up between my father and I, I learned that my dad did not give me the contents of the storage unit, and therefore I was incorrect in throwing out the porn. but I don't feel guilty because I think it's funny and I am still mad.
Uh...how about you de-clutter it?!
Problem solved.
Dude. What are refrigerators FOR?
And why are you and GinaMonster having a background conversation about parents and pornography?
OK... I guess I have some explanations to do:
1. Rich: I posted smth on GinaMonster's blog, and she replied here. And how the fuck would I know where your fucking keys are? :P
2. Josue': you're right, it's very easy to declutter it. The problem is I don't want to throw away that nice postcard from Vieste cause, most likely, I won't get another one :(
3. Eni: take a pic of your cleaned up refrigerator :)
4. And last but not least, GinaMonster: I was kidding when I left that comment on your blog.
I just didn't want you to think I was some sort of rabid porn nazi.
and now, when someone googles rabid porn nazi, you and I will both come up. sweet.
I can go back to Vieste anytime and send another one......I hope. :p
Gee, thnx A LOT GinaMonster "rabid porn nazi" for doing this! :(( just kidding.
@josue': I think I'm off your postcard list...
prit, prit ti sa te te rritet dhe ca cupa e te filloje te zhgaravise, do te te mblidhen lloj lloj vizatimesh tek frigoriferi, pale pastaj kur te shkoje ne shkole dhe te marri flete lavderimi...frigoriferi jot do bjere ne toke.
ha ha ha ..vertet...atehere po qe eshte per ti bere foton frigoriferit tat :)
talluni ju me mu talluni. te shofim si e ca do beni ju kur te beheni nena... . mgjths, ndoshta keni te drejte, rrezik duhet me kriju naj "kend nderi" vetem per ato gjera.
me vjen keq une nuk tallem, bej komente :P
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