
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Dress code

I think I'm open minded when it comes to clothing (especially if good looking women wear revealing clothes - kidding!), and I am "sensitive" to different fashion trends. So baggy, ripped, tight are OK, I guess - although a flopping belly sticking out of a halter top is a very effective appetite-losing remedy.

Last night I went to a Babies R Us and there was this couple who was returning something... in their pajamas - or, as they're called nowadays "sleepwear." Seriously, why? Although I don't own any pair of such "sleepwear," I do understand they're comfortable - but to go out in public wearing those is something I'd never do.

I do think this whole thing pajama "haute couture" is getting a bit too comfortable. I see high school girls wearing those everywhere: stores, school, mall... accessorized by these bright colored furry flipflops. And all of the jammies I see are too long so these girls drag them and the bottoms are all dirty and ripped.

To make a long whinny rambling short, no matter how liberal or conservative someone is, I believe we should be a little bit more considerate about other people when we decide to wear something in public.
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By Blogger Ginamonster, at 12:18 PM EDT

Amen. There was a time when a woman would not leave her house without a hat and gloves. I'm no saying we should go back to that, I just agree that people should dress, at minimum, in daywear that fits. Pj's belong at home (pff. sleepwear. are they really sleeping in it? COME ON. Get over yourselves.) Sweats beliong in the gym (on on the running trail) and no one should ever see your muffin tops.    

By Blogger Josue', at 9:12 PM EDT

Sweats don't even belong on adults....just say no to Muffin tops..haha. Muffin Tops...classic.

Anyone who wears sleepwear or what looks to be such should be forced to sleep with both hands in warm water so that they can revert back to being a baby....:p    

By Blogger Rich | Championable, at 6:10 AM EDT

Couldn't agree more.

Frankly, I'm one of those pro "school uniform" guys. I also think folks should dress up better for Church. It makes me CRAZY when the collections guys are wearing Jets jerseys.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 10:50 AM EDT

LOL gina! muffin tops...you made me look that up! :)    

By Blogger Ginamonster, at 12:42 PM EDT

I learned it from my Brother in Law. I think it's a perfect description. And Rich, I don't attend services, but I too think that people should dress nicely for church. I don't think it's the place for flip flops and jeans.    

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