
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Photo trip

Northern Michigan Fall - HDR version 2
Originally uploaded by shqipo.
Sunday was a long, tiring but fulfilling day. Fall is breezing through here and we wanted to see some of its splendid colors. I can proudly say that Michigan is a great place to watch fall foliage - especially the northern part of the state. So, we took this "quick", long car trip to the Northern part the panhandle (we didn't go to the Upper peninsula).

We saw the fall colors alright - and more. There was this unexpected color there as well: white (as in snow). I mentioned here that we did get some snow earlier in the week. Not as much as Buffalo, NY but we still got some. What caught us by surprise, however, was that there was still snow on the ground! And it's only October! It was a fantastic (crisp) fall day, sunny, great colors but I did shiver, only by looking at the @#$&* snow!

I did take quite a few photos with my new toy; most of them I already posted on flickr. I probably took a few too many. Eda was not happy at all with me stopping often on the side of the road to take photos. By the end of the trip, her nagging became nerve wrecking. In a way, I don't blame her: it's not much fun to travel about 550 miles in about 11 hours. I should've planned better, as in make this maybe a weekend trip (2 days). Although there isn't much to do up there for too long. But at least she knew we were going there for the fall colors - and me taking photos! WTH?

So, I think I'm done now taking fall photos - maybe... .
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By Blogger bizele, at 8:35 AM EDT

hehehe I can imagine her irritation...kam dhe une nje ne shpi qe ne nje rast te tille do ja kish mbathur e do me kish lene ne mes te rruges, andaj kur nisem per misione te tilla iki solo.    

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:03 PM EDT

bobo ta paskan nxjerre per hundesh..edhe une ne raste te tilla do preferoja te ikja vetem perndryshe , mund tja nxij jeten personave perballe:)
meqe ra fjala shpresoj qe keto te mos jene fotot e tua te fundit ne lidhje me vjeshten ...sepse keto qe ke publikuar deri tani ishin shume te bukura...uroj te vazhdojne...    

By Blogger shqipo, at 6:08 PM EDT

Per hundesh qe c'ke me te :(

@bizele: kisha kohe qe s'e kisha degju fjalen "andaj"    

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