
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Stupid me!

I am well aware I have my "weird" and not so pleasant side. It looks like one of my negative traits is going overboard to please others (or the others). A lot of times I "ignore" myself or people who are close to me just to please other people. I try to find all kinds of excuses, such as "I owe him for this" or "I am hoping you would be able to understand I have to do this."

In the end, they don't understand (or better yet: agree with) it, and the others don't really appreciate it. So I'm fucked on both sides. One party is pissed at me, others don't understand the sacrifice, or even worse, take advantage of me... is that great or what?

Why the hell am I trying to be nice?
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By Blogger Josue', at 11:00 PM EDT

Sounds like you really need a hug...I am sure WR can @$$ist you...    

By Blogger Lily, at 5:45 AM EDT

Maybe you should get your priorities straight, and not ignore the people close to you, including yourself?    

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:07 AM EST

ke shume te drejte Shqipo..ne perhere e bejme kete gje me njerezit me te afert.mbase sepse e kemi me te lehte ti themi jo atyre apo te shtyjme per me vone diçka qe ta kerkojne pre nesh duke menduar se ata do te na mirekuptojne,ama nuk ja falim vetes ta bejme kete gje me njerez shume me te larget per ne siç mund te jene shoket e punes , shoqeri e larget, persona me te cilet kemi te bejme ne jeten e perditshme ...kjo eshte nje gje shume e poshter sepse nuk e kontrolljme dot..
dhe une po mendoja te shkruaja nje shkrim te tille ne blog sepse eshte nje gje qe me mundon shume, ma morre nga goja :) sidoqofte do te shkruaj dhe une per kete teme pakez nervangritese...    

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