Now that Sadam has been sentenced to death for ordering the killings of some tens or hundreds of people, I wonder who will get sentenced for causing the killings of thousands of people, Americans and Iraqis...
Likely no one, because those deaths were for the cause of "good" and "right" and "freedom". sigh.
yeah :( sad but true ...
"Tens or hundreds?" Do you have your numbers straight? I know that this particular "guilty" verdict related to 148 deaths, but I'm pretty sure that the mass gassing of civilians in Halabja would probably count, too.
Say what you want about the US supporting Saddam during the largest anti-civilian chemical weapons attack in world history, but that doesn't mean that there's no justice happening now.
One wrong doesn't justify another wrong, is all I'm saying.
I don’t thing that is the right question. For me there are two questions: The death sentence (and being in USA for me is not the right example) and the second, what to do with un dictator (ask the same question to you for our dear dictator)
Téténa (http://tenaneparis.canalblog.com)
who know that the real Sadam will be killed?(his sosies at least 20)and as he played the game for the USA now they don need him any more ........after Iraq whos country will be bombed by USA in name of "rights of human"liberty"ect dont wanna mention others coz it makes me vomit,the list of the countries are long,very long
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