
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Seriously, do they really think this sh!t out?

Some companies really amaze me. It's the bigger ones which come up with some of the dumbest things. I truly think that the idiots who are responsible for this love the "I just work here" attitude and don't have much going on "upstairs."

Take Comcast, for instance, which has 80,000 employees and had annual sales of almost $25 billion last year. My cable and internet went out, so I called customer service. After going through the usual "press x for...", the automatic message said: "We're experiencing a longer than usual call volume (and I get this message no matter which day or hour I call...), for more help options, please visit our website at www.comcast.net" Well, if I HAD internet access I wouldn't call you, dumb asses, would I?

And the interesting thing is that they keep raising their price and I can't do much about it cause they're the only cable co. in my town. I guess it pays to be dumb!

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By Blogger eni, at 4:19 AM EST

yeah unfortunately sometimes we pay to make our life more difficult.I hate to face this, I mean to pay for s.t and to have to deal with stupid machine or people because of any incovenience at their services..
you were right: it pays to be dumb:((    

By Blogger Unknown, at 2:59 PM EST

... I used to call from the office @ work to fix issues like these home ;). Not to be on your throat about this but after experiencing the same feelings about attitudes like this & incompentency I decided that I refuse to get angry or stressed about things like these. I have realized that due to our difficult emigracioni eksperienca we have grown to be inpatient people : because we meant it & worked very well at anything we put our sight on doesnt mean that people will do the same. Issue is that even though we should try and change things for the long term, in the short one the only people that suffer out of our aggrevation is us & not the Alabama call center on the other end of the line...
Patience is key ... that's why people go to Italy & fall in love with it... (kjo e fundit, I anderstend is a bit aut of kontekst :-)).    

By Blogger shqipo, at 9:38 PM EST

Thanks ladies for your visit!    

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