
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Not another "happy St. Valentine's" blog!

It looks like everyone is writing about Valentine's day, going crazy buying roses, chocolates, cards, jewelry...you get the idea. And the funny thing is that most of the people who were rushing through stores to buy those things were... guys.

I'm getting sick and tired of commercialization of "holidays" and these "holidays" have become so huge due to companies' clever marketing and PR. Here's what I don't understand: why do we need a day on the calendar to be reminded to be nice or whatever to our loved ones?

And what's with all the gift buying? I'm not trying to sound like a cheap ass, but it pisses me off when I am obliged to buy things simply for the sake of some stupid day on the calendar - yes, Christmas is one of these days. Why can't we be more spontaneous and buy things whenever we feel like? And what's with this idea of expressing love through buying gifts anyway? I can make an effort to understand the flowers and chocolates (since they're aphrodisiacs - or so they say...), but, interesting enough, many women nowadays are not content with just these, they expect (yes, expect) jewelry as well. Last time I checked, jewelry wasn't an aphrodisiac... oh wait, I take that back. I have seen how women lust and drool after anything that dangles and/or shines. And the barrage of commercials from jewelry stores during this time of the year doesn't help either.

Hm... I hope I didn't give them impression that I dislike women :)

I just learned something that pissed me off! A friend of mine has 3 kids, 2 of which in elementary school, one in pre-school. All three of them had Valentine's Day parties in class and were asked to exchange cards and candy with their classmates. As well as bring candles or whatever for the teacher. WTF???? I can understand the concept of teaching about "love" vs hate or whatever, but these are 5-7 years olds we're talking about! Aren't they a little too young to learn about "love" (as in the lusty type) for the opposite sex (or same sex - whatever)? And who are these moron teachers who are requesting gifts for themselves?!

And there you have it. Leave it to me to turn a post about Valentine's Day, which is supposed to be nice and sweet, into an outburst of outrage. Pathetic!

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By Blogger Christi, at 11:02 AM EST

I was so glad to read your post. I 100% agree with you. I am not a holiday lover. They drive me crazy with the pressure to buy people things and then even worse the kids expect something from you. grrr. Not to mention the candy and then the day after candy crankiness for every holiday.

Who came up with all this hoopla?

Also I am one woman who is not a fan of jewelry. I also think gift giving to say you love someone is pretty lousy. But I guess some people disagree.    

By Blogger ELAIS, at 3:08 PM EST

Well I guess we make our own expectations (in spite of the outside commercialization) and the wrong expectations in a relationship are the recipe for doomed relations.

I agree with you and I sincerely despise the teachers that are trying to infuse unrealistic expectations on kids. I mean however desperate or lonely the teachers may be, they have no right to expect presents from their pupils.    

By Blogger belle_fleur, at 9:29 PM EST

I agree with your message because they have totally overdone all the holidays that exist in the calendar....i feel the same way about xmas because all people care is gifts, how much you spent, what did u get for me and all that crap.

Love can not be bought!!    

By Blogger shqipo, at 9:36 PM EST

@CG and @ elais: welcome and thanks for visiting.

@elais: yes, it's pathetic these teachers ask for gifts. I was shocked even more today to hear that the teacher of someone else's kid had actually given the kids a freakin' list of gifts she wanted!! And she had done the same thing during Christmas! oohh! I'd be sooo pissed!    

By Blogger eni, at 3:41 AM EST

Kujtoja se mesuese te tilla kishim vetem ne Shqiperi..qenkam genjyer:)    

By Blogger Ginamonster, at 11:03 AM EST

I'm with you. About Valentines day. The last time I had a boyfriend on V-Day, my gift was a small potted plant and a card that he made. I loved it. I don't understand why diamonds=love or why you can't give gifts all year round. I would rather treat Feb 14 like a normal day and have attention and love shared equally throughout the year than expect super extra pampering on that day.

I AM, however, a huge supporter of Steak and Knobber day.

I do like christmas though. I'm going to hold to my promise to make all my gifts this year...    

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