
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

If I could...

Entrepreneurship is the one of the pillars of this country - and it's great! Entrepreneurs are born here everyday. They see a "crack" or gap between what people want and what is already offered and they try to fill it. Sounds simple enough. Kinda. One of these cracks is the need that some people have (uhm... including myself?) to drive sports cars. The expensive ones. But there's one tiiiiiny problem: We're the ones who like to drive them but can't afford them.

So, now there's a company which gives ppl the opportunity to own exotic sports cars - part-time. If you have $80,000 for two years to spare, you can drive 2 Ferraris and an Aston Martin. Or, if you want to spend $15,000, you can have access to 10 such exotic cars. The catch: you can only drive them for a total of 30 days a year, no ownership whatsoever. Basically, you're renting a car for $1000/day!

Anyone here has $30K to share with me? :)



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By Blogger tetena, at 3:07 PM EST

une jam dakord per te blere nje mini, modeli i vjeter me motor te ri nese ekziston.    

By Blogger Amour Monde, at 5:01 PM EST

If you cant aford it to buy the sprts car you can at least go to a show-room and sit in evry sprots car you wish BUT you can't drive them ;)    

By Blogger Amour Monde, at 5:01 PM EST

If you cant aford it to buy the sprts car you can at least go to a show-room and sit in evry sprots car you wish BUT you can't drive them ;)    

By Blogger shqipo, at 5:42 PM EST

eee... mire do ishte ee? ;)    

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