
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.


I ran across this news this morning and I couldn't help laughing. For several reasons.

There's no doubt that he was "trained" by his lawyer to say what he did as an excuse to using company time and computer resources for "adult" pleasures. I am truly amazed at what kind of crap lawyers can come up with! Seriously, can someone explain to me how the traumatic stress he suffered by seeing his friend get killed in Vietnam can cause someone to become a sex addict? I can understand nightmares and such, but sex addiction?!

And now he's suing his employer for not helping him with his internet/sex addiction! Unbelievable!

On the other hand, reading what he said about what people do at IBM, I'm sending them a resume! :)
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By Blogger belle_fleur, at 6:54 PM EST

people are nuts!!    

By Blogger eni, at 10:04 AM EST

hajde njerez skiƧ hajde!    

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