
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

I don't mean no disrespect...

Warning: this post may sound politically incorrect.

I've heard this word (disrespect) before and didn't really think much of it. And yes, I was raised to respect the elderly and women, etc.

But I keep noticing it more often among a certain ethnic group how "disrespect" is about every 6th word they say! For every little thing, they think that everyone is disrespecting them. Why?! If someone starts a normal argument with them, it gets cut off with "don't you disrespect me!" WTF?

A former colleague, despite having a Master's Degree, was very quick to use that phrase as well. He even started a (oral) fight with the Associate Dean simply because he thought "she was disrespecting him." The most interesting phrase I heard from him was "I don't ask anyone to like me, but they have to respect me." OooKkk... . It's a little bit paradoxical to me but oh well, I had no desire whatsoever to ask him.

Another example: a student (same ethnic group) had some issues with one

of his instructors. One day he showed up to class along with his daughter simply to get his homework and I guess the instructor (who is a bit of a loose canon...) said something to him and this student's response "Don't you disrespect me like dat in front of my kid. Fuck you!" Uhm... I guess "disrespect" was much more harmful for the little kid then swearing. Ah... priorities... .

Searching for "disrespect" I stumbled upon this page: http://www.s2smagazine.com/services/Board/archive/index.php?t-29820.html . I find some comments hilarious! e.g.: "I Had Some Neighbors, She Was White, He Was Black. Mixed &(confused) Kids. Well She Thought That I Was Interested In Her Dead Beat Husband (Like I Would Trade Down) And She Came At Me Calling Me Names And What Not. After I Slapped Upside Her Head I Said That SHe Needed To Remember That Her Two Daughter Would Grow Up To Be Black Woman Too. And That If She Was Hating On Me Then She Was Hating On Her Kids. " or: "A Black Man Can't Allow Nobody To Disrespect No One." Grammar, apparently, was not taught at her school...

As someone else I know says jokingly: I loveS it!


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By Blogger ELAIS, at 1:33 PM EDT

Roflmao- this post made my day.
And I Don't Mean No Disrespect :)    

By Blogger Rich | Championable, at 3:30 PM EDT

This comment has been removed by the author.    

By Blogger eni, at 5:25 AM EDT

wow... Shqipo this is really great.Hilarious and nerve wrecking at the same time.I guess this is much more evident in the USA isn't it , because of the racism too..
Fortunately we still haven't faced with such cases here yet:)
I guess they are encouraged by the law or government decisions as well, or they are looking to earn some money, for the so-called insult:) This is very popular in there isn't it?    

By Blogger tetena, at 6:54 AM EDT

une mendoj qe eshte me shume çeshtje kompleksimi. Nderkohe mund te lexosh, nese ke qejf te lexosh, Roth, nje liber qe quhet detyre (ne frengjisht la tache) nuk e di ne anglisht do ta kerkoj nese te intereson.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 9:01 AM EDT

edhe une mendoj si tetena    

By Blogger ITS, at 3:15 PM EDT

C'mon playa. Why you gotta be hatin, on my peoplez like dat?

I guess you never got to know and befriend black people, hence you couldn't understand their jargon.

And you can absolutely not like somebody as a person, but still respect them. You respect your enemies, your professors, your colleagues, yet you might hate their guts.

And by the way, whitey, it's pronounced "disrespeK". The last T is silent...    

By Blogger d, at 9:04 PM EDT

I totally agree with the its dude!    

By Blogger Unknown, at 10:01 PM EDT

@ITS: thank u for the lesson my black albanian brotha! or maybe albanian eminem? :p    

By Blogger ITS, at 8:13 AM EDT

yeah whateva, whateva...

"sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you..."

/Lighten up Francis    

By Blogger Josue', at 8:33 PM EDT

oh snap!!

what is going on up in here? :p    

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