
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

"Thank God..."

I guess this is becoming old news now. I thought about it the moment I heard it on the radio but I just haven't had time to write about it. After a devastating tornado in Enterprise, Alabama which left 9 high school pupils (or students, as some would like to be called), the highest official of this country (name and post withheld for fear of... you know) paid a visit to be with their families and other affected . It's a bit puzzling to me how his visit (or any "high official) would "lift the spirits of many" but that could be the topic of another post.

What really left a mark on my memory was this: "We thank God for the hundreds who lived." Hm... how should I interpret this one? OK, I'll go along with it and thank God for saving the other hundreds who lived. What I don't understand is why did God let those poor 9 souls die? Had they committed the most sins in that little town and they deserved to die? Since God is the one who saved these others, who's responsible for the tornado who killed those 9? Isn't that... God? Or is it another "force of evil" who, apparently, was quicker and got to this little place in Alabama before God did and started killing people.

I love it how politicians and religious leaders spin things around... .
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By Blogger Besnik Mehmeti, at 8:12 PM EST

And who do you think to be to judge God? If you are a believer of Christ, then you should know that he has been around a lot longer than we have. If you believe he created us from dirt, then who are you (or any human being) to hold him accountable? You say it right that this has become old news but you still want to argue it. If you want to understand why a christian says the words you quote, then you need to have the bible as the basis for your discussion. I wonder if that is the case?    

By Blogger Josue', at 8:57 PM EST

When did you become one of "them"

Why do you even speak of things you do not understand or care to believe?


By Blogger tetena, at 4:14 AM EST

shqipo, nje gje eshte e sigurt, nuk ka dialog mes nje besimtari dhe nje qe nuk beson. Nderkohe me nje çik dashuri per zotin, mbase u vonua nje çik edhe ai i shkreti, per 9 nuk do te na shash politikanet nashti (ha ha)    

By Blogger Arbër Racaj, at 5:25 AM EST

funny - it's becoming dangerous to have an opinion about something.
it's the thing I never understood, why the so called believers are so agressive in "defending" the thing they believe in.
I also believe in some things: the Patanjali Sutra's or the philosofy of Krishnamurti, just to mention something. When someone is negative about it then I just go further with my own business without trying to judge or convince them in otherwise.
I can understand your point Shqipo. These matters bother me too, to be honest with you.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 7:41 AM EST

wow, it looks like this one hit a nerve with someone... .

@nik: I'm not exactly judging God, I'm simply questioning why it was OK to let some ppl die. And I've read the bible, and some more. I don't understand why I should it have it as the basis of my discussion.

@josue': I don't think I "one of them," I just ask/have a lot of questions. I don't understand your question either.

@tetena: pse mos te kete dialog?!

@arber: i believe everyone should be able to believe whatever they like, as long as it doesn't interfere with my beliefs.    

By Blogger ELAIS, at 2:25 PM EST

According to some christian beliefs God "takes" the ones he loves the most. Thus, it might be that he took those 9 and left the rest for the State to prey on (you know taxes and such). That would even explain why "_____" thanked him.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 2:35 PM EST

@elais: LMAO!! that's hilarious! you could be right!    

By Blogger eni, at 10:13 AM EST

e ke nuk e bezdis kjo gje mor Shqipo? nuk dua te mendoj shume gjate ne kete teme sepse me kujton gjera jo fort te kendshme...    

By Blogger Rich | Championable, at 11:33 AM EST

There's also the idea that Jesus left the Holy Spirit behind, and that the Holy Spirit is the "flow" of good. This whole "pick and choose" thing doesn't even come into play.

I keep trying to subscribe to your RSS feeds, but none of them f-ing work.

I'm going to try again.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 11:35 AM EST

@rich: not sure what you mean. btw, rss (atom, I think) should be working now.    

By Blogger Rich | Championable, at 11:37 AM EST

Hey, it worked!    

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