This entry was posted on Sunday, April 15, 2007 at 7:35 PM. You can skip to the end and leave a response.
Some things are always screwed up no matter the country.
nuk e di çndodh me blogun tend veç adresa "zyrtare" ndalon tek muaji mars dhe artikujt e muajit prill nuk duken gjekundi ?
hm... po ky shkrimi qe bere koment i muajit prill eshte, jo i marsit
Some things are always screwed up no matter the country.
nuk e di çndodh me blogun tend veç adresa "zyrtare" ndalon tek muaji mars dhe artikujt e muajit prill nuk duken gjekundi ?
hm... po ky shkrimi qe bere koment i muajit prill eshte, jo i marsit
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