
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Are the Irish descendants of Albanians?

I had never heard of this before but it seems to be not very uncommon knowledge among the Irish. A co-worker, when she heard where I'm from, she asked if I knew the story of "Black Irish." Both of her grandparents sets are from Ireland. One of them tells her that they're "black Irish", meaning pale skin but dark hair and eyes. According to him "If it wasn't for those Albanians who came here and ... our women, we'd still be pure Irish."

So I went and did some research and ran into this, as told by a true Irish:

No wonder the Irish are known to be heavy drinkers and violent...



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By Blogger eni, at 8:42 AM EDT

wow that article blows!    

By Blogger tetena, at 2:54 PM EDT

ka afersisht diçka te ngjshme me Egjiptin modern. Nuk ka pas qen permendur ne historine tone te dashur veç Mbreti i veteshpallur (ves shqiptar ky) i Egjiptit modern, Muhamed Ali, ishte nje shqiptar.    

By Blogger Josue', at 8:17 PM EDT

No wonder you like Irish Cream. :p    

By Blogger eni, at 4:51 AM EDT

e di e di kete punen e Muhamed Aliut.Madje njehere kur isha ne nje panair ca egjiptiane mu sollen me nje respekt akoma dhe me te egzagjeruar kur morren vesh se isha shqiptare:)    

By Blogger venus, at 7:26 PM EDT

wow! Albanians really do get around.. don't they?! :P    

By Blogger belle_fleur, at 1:23 PM EDT

very interesting article. it would have never crossed my mind that Albanians have a link with the Irish people.    

By Blogger ET, at 8:44 AM EDT

This comment has been removed by the author.    

By Blogger ET, at 8:57 AM EDT

Nji teori te tille e kam degjuar vite me pare ne "zeri i amerikes" shqip.
behej reçensioni i nji libri te nji studiusi anglez.
Ai nxirrte se trojanet, pas renies se Trojes u zhvenosen ne veriperendim dhe krijuan Ilirine.
Me vone u hodhen ne Italine e sotme dhe krijuan Etrurine.
Me tutje, ne veri, ne Normandi dhe akoma me vone ne Britani.
titulli i librit nuk me kujtohet por per mendimin tim eshte nji teori qe justifikon gjakun blu
te mbreterise britanike, prejardhjen hyjnore te saje.
zeus, priami,akili,bath,bath,po nji kokerr :)
Ps: kete shenim e dergova dhe nuk doli.
per test postova nji pikpyetje, e cila doli dhe me pas e eleminova.
tash po provoj perseri :)    

By Blogger Selfmaderadio, at 4:13 AM EDT

shqiptaret jane bere si kokoshi i fares ose demi i races.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 10:44 PM EDT

@josue: irish cream is just OK, not the top of my preferred drinks.

@venus: not sure what you mean...cause "get around" can be interpreted in different ways ;)

@te tjeret: e shifni apo jo ca rrace jemi? s'e ka keq selfmaderadio... :D    

By Blogger venus, at 6:35 PM EDT

i mean as in "getting around" ;)    

By Blogger shqipo, at 6:53 PM EDT

@venus: it could be, I can't vouch for that (oh wait, maybe I can...) :p    

By Blogger ET, at 2:39 AM EDT

nga gazeta e sotme.

By Blogger shqipo, at 3:51 PM EDT

faleminderit eT    

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