
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Missing in action

As you might have noticed, I have disappeared this past week. Some people like to use the phrase "missing in action" while it may be the opposite in my case: I was in action! Well, kinda - not that kind of "action."

I had a busy and exhausting week of travel. Last Saturday I had to go to work at 8 AM, then go back home and get my bags, and drive 50 minutes to the airport to catch a direct flight to the City of Angels. Got there almost at 10 PM Pacific time (but 1 AM my time), rented a car and drove for just over an hour to San Bernardino (final destination was Palm Springs). By the time I went to bed was 1 AM Pacific (4 AM my time!).

And, of course, I woke up at 6 AM. Had breakfast and on the road again to Palm Springs. Drove for just over an hour again, some through dry desert valleys, dotted with wind mills. Checked-in at the hotel, admired the beautiful surrounding and couldn't get enough of the sun!

The reason for this trip to Palm Springs was a memorial service for a very dear friend of mine who passed away from Parkinson's desease about a month ago. I will post a separate entry for that.

Memorial service was on Sunday PM. Went quite well.

Monday I wanted to spend as much time as possible taking photos. I had all these plans to go to all these places, had printed out directions, etc. Well... at least I went to one place: Tahquitz Canyon. A self-guided tour is supposed to take about 2 1/2 hours, but it took me longer because I was stopping frequently to take photos. I had a great time hiking. I haven't done that since... 1998, which was the last time I was in PS. And it tired me out. The Canyon brought back memories of some places back home.

And that was the only hike I did in Palm Springs. Drove to Rancho Mirage to look for some other photo ops. Then went to dinner with friends. Took some photos of downtown Palm Springs at night.

My addiction to photography is becomeing exhausting! I got up early the next morning just so I could go somewhere to take pics of the sunrise. Then, on my way back to L.A., I stopped several times on the side of the road to take photos of the San Jacinto mountain range, and the wind mills... until I filled up my 2 GB card. I could've stopped to several other places and take more pics but my plane left at noon so... . Traffic to L.A. wasn't the greatest but I made it on time (took me 3 hours to go to the airport).

Got home Tuesday evening. I barely had time to change clothes. Wed morning I had to be at work at 9 AM. Then come home and grab my bags, drive to the airport again to catch a flight to exciting Milwaukee for a 2-day work meeting. Finally made it back home on Friday evening, exhausted!
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By Blogger Rich | Championable, at 9:14 AM EDT

Welcome back, amigo.

Sorry to hear about your friend.

Get some rest!    

By Blogger eni, at 4:23 AM EDT

wellcome back.good to hear you were missing because you had to do some private things and not because you were bothered:)
I'm so sorry 'bout your friend:(Parkinson is such a weird , painful disease, maybe it's been more relesaing for him like that.
And yes, you might be tired , but it pays!You seem to have had a great time and God, you've been able to catch so many photos , which I'm very excited to see :)
I envyed you, I wasn't able to shot that much photos in Albania, as peaple would stare me which made me sick:(
Anyway , wellcome back , have a good rest and don't let us wait for the photos and your new posts:)    

By Blogger eni, at 4:24 AM EDT

sorry the word bothered is bored:)    

By Blogger Lorna S. Q, at 8:06 PM EDT

Hola Shqipo,

pershendetje nga Ekuadori!    

By Blogger bizele, at 9:41 AM EDT

It looks like photograhy is taking over your life...
p.s.welcome back    

By Blogger ELAIS, at 3:33 PM EDT

Nice to see you're back.    

By Blogger belle_fleur, at 5:28 PM EDT

seemed like you had a good time in CA despite the other engagements. Hearing about CA makes me think of the time i used to live there.

Thanks for the great pictures you bring all the time because it makes me appreciate photography and the photographers even more:))

ah se harrova, mireserdhe:))    

By Blogger tetena, at 5:24 AM EDT

dakord me parafolesit. Ne fakt do ishte te llafosesha ne anglisht per t'a praktikuar nje çik veç ne shqip dhe bej plot gabime, nuk mund ta imagjinoj ne nje gjuhe te jashtme.

Vdekja eshte e hidhur sidomos, mendoj kur e pret.    

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