A friend of mine sent me
this. Those damn French! So... I guess I'm doomed that I live here? I don't know... but I'm not taking a chance to move to France, that's for sure!
Edit: link is fixed, sorry about that.
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on Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 11:15 AM.
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dead link. way to go! :p
edhe ketej nga Franca, nuk punon linku. dhe pa e pare nuk mund te filloj ta mbroj !
shqipo, hajde, hajde se eshte mire ne France. E vetme e keqe eshte qe pasi kemi jetuar nje fare kohe, behemi si francezet dhe fillojme nxehemi per te gjitha, veƧ nuk eshte keq. Nejse do te shkruaj besoj per nje dite ne france, oraret dhe ngreniet.
I would prefer a country with 61M inteligent and elegant people,rather than a country with 301M dumb and fat people ;)
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