
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Modern day torture?

Since I got the guts to talk about sex toys yesterday, I guess today I'll continue it with something else.

While watching the interesting (am I getting old???) History Channel shows, once in a while they show commercials for Cialis, an ED (erectile dysfunction, for those who don't know) drug. Their punch line: "if the moment is not right, don't worry, you have 36 hours" - or something like that, I don't recall it exactly.

First of all, I had no idea ED was so widespread - and I sure hope I never have a chance to know what it's like. But my point for this post is: 36 hours of erection? Are you serious? I remember, a long time ago, when, uhm, a couple of hours would cause the infamous "blue balls" syndrome was so damn painful, it was hard to walk! Can you imagine 36 hours of that? I shudder to even think what it may feel like! If that's not torture, I don't know what it is!

And who wants to talk around for 36 hours with a tent in his pants anyway? And if you have to take public transportation (subway, bus, etc.) during rush hour... how many times can you say excuse me before some girl's boyfriend beats you up?

Ah modern medicine...


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By Blogger nuvole, at 2:52 PM EDT

haha..i used to think those meds had that same effect, as well--but, no silly! from what i've heard it's not like you actually HAVE a hard on for 36 hours or whatever. when a person with a dysfunction takes it, it simply allows them to get "in the mood," if you know what i mean, once kissing, touching etc have commenced. now, on the other hand, those who dont have ED and take the medication...well, that's another story. it's happened to one of my friends, and no, i ain't getting into it.    

By Blogger ak, at 12:22 PM EDT

shume e bukur!    

By Blogger Rich | Championable, at 5:53 AM EDT

Okay, brother. Let's get right to the straight talk.

Blue Balls is when you have an extended period of, um, excitement, but never reach any finale. 36 hours of capability may or may not include turning into Captain Three-times or more, but you should probably be able to avoid the whole blue balls scenario regardless.

Now, go take your Cialis and don't worry.


By Blogger shqipo, at 3:23 PM EDT

Ok ok, I get it now (both klodiana and rich). What can I say, I have no experience with such "stimulants" so I have no idea what and/how they do it. But, I do appreciate your expert knowledge though! :)

klodiana, c'mon, u have to share that!    

By Blogger nuvole, at 4:58 PM EDT

um, ok...since you asked. my friend, who at the time was 25, super healthy physically and sexually, decided to experiment with a lil'viagra. and so he took two pills. scared the crap out of his girlfriend. and continued to maintain his hard on, complete with perfectly blue testicles for TWO days. true story. he claimed it was beyong painful! now...why are YOU asking? :P    

By Blogger shqipo, at 6:50 PM EDT

LOL! your "friend" (not your husband, right?) couldn't just take 1 pill?!

why am I asking? simply because I like to laugh when other ppl are in pain :p    

By Blogger nuvole, at 9:53 AM EDT


jo, jo. nuk ishte my hubby. nuk ishim njohur akoma atehere. ishte me te vertete nje shoku im, qe ka nature adventurous edhe te pangopur.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 10:05 AM EDT

haha! edhe sadist me quajte e? eh...

"natyre te pangopur" - haha! e bukur kjo! shqiptar ky shoku?    

By Blogger nuvole, at 12:10 PM EDT

haha, sipas llogjikes duhet te kishte qene shqipe...you know, what with being "te pangopur" and all. but no, he's a gringo. from buffalo.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 2:03 PM EDT

pikerisht! :)    

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