
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Maturity level

Growing up, I was told I was more mature than other kids of my age. No, I wasn't told by my parents; they weren't really the type who would shower us with unreasonable superlatives. That's the reason why some of my friends were older than me.

As I grow older, I realize that, sometimes, I feel, think and behave like a teenager. And probably annoy the sh!t out of people around me.

Damn it, it's quite a torture to be a Gemini...


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By Blogger Josue', at 9:13 PM EDT

I agree with you... :p    

By Blogger eni, at 2:08 PM EDT

mos kishe gje ditlindjen?
if so happy birthday to you:)all the best!!    

By Blogger shqipo, at 6:32 PM EDT

@josue: how did i guess you'd be one of the first ones to say exactly what u said?

@eni: ? jo ende s'e kam ditelindjen, do edhe 15 dite. cne?    

By Blogger eni, at 3:03 AM EDT

ashtu mu duk nga shkrimi sikur o e kishe ose po te vinte rrotull ditelindja..i qenkam afruar:)    

By Blogger tetena, at 4:22 AM EDT

shqipo, mos u rrit se mendoj qe njerzit e rritur behen te merzitshem.    

By Blogger redBonsai, at 2:52 AM EDT

Shqipo ke shumë të drejtë, bezdi e madhe të qenurit binjak..:p    

By Blogger gjergji, at 7:59 AM EDT

no, it's fun being a gemini. Do what I do, blame everything on your other part side of your personality -- that's why you have two sides: one spotless, and the other one ..disposable.


By Blogger shqipo, at 10:55 AM EDT

@tetena: nuk kam ca te rritem me (fizikisht) se kaloi ajo kohe :( bej shaka.

@redbonsai: edhe ti binjake? eh...

@gjergj: that's a great idea!! I will start using that from now on. Hopefully ppl will buy it though    

By Blogger ELAIS, at 2:33 PM EDT

Damn it, it's quite a torture to be a Gemini...
- Thinking like that qualifies as being more mature than other people your age ;)    

By Blogger ET, at 5:11 AM EDT

dual personallity ? :D

By Blogger redBonsai, at 6:12 AM EDT

Ky ET ka shpjegim të saktë për çdo gjë,hmmm ta plas linkun ballit...
Ku ka humbur vallë se nuk e shoh shumë në qarkullim.

Shqipo, binjake qershori :) po na vjen, po na vjen...    

By Blogger shqipo, at 12:05 PM EDT

po he pra he, ca t'i bejme eT-se. shyqyr qe eshte demokraci thuj.

cfare po na vjen?! bej shaka. mua po me vjen per 3 dite :(    

By Blogger redBonsai, at 3:24 AM EDT

Ja dhe mua për 8, pa llogaritur ditën e sotme, apo nuk vrapojnë këto ditët, është çmendur kalendari fare.    

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