
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

I wonder...

Sometimes I wonder about the weirdest things (JD - keep the comments to yourself!). Here are some examples:

1. I do not know the history of how came to have separate public restrooms for each gender, but I assume it was to avoid any, uhm, sexual "accidents" of some sort.

What I wonder about is, what about gay people? Am I supposed to be comfortable if I'm minding my own business in a stall and a guy next to me is checking me out? Same for females and lesbians sharing the same bathroom. Has the time come for a 3rd bathroom for the so-called "trans-gender" ones?

2. It's been said many times before that, unlike Europeans (who work to live), Americans live to work. Having been embroiled in this lifestyle, I've come to accept it and, to a certain degree, become convinced that the reason why this country is kicking some major @ss is this work attitude. Although I do wonder how can (Western) Europeans afford so many vacation, so fewer work ours; where is the money coming from if people are not producing that much? I don't believe their productivity is higher.

Having said that, however, I wonder if this "work to live" is going too far when I drive to work at 7 AM and the roads are crowded! Heck, they're crowded at 6 AM! What are these people thinking? The worst part is that many of them are already on their cell phones (as they drive). Seriously, who are they talking to that early?

I have a couple of clients who call me around 8 AM or even before that. I don't pick up the phone.

3. Why do black people and gays always pull the race/sexual orientation card? If, for whatever reason, they do not get what they ask for, they'll jump and scream they're being discriminated. Give me a break! Stop blaming others for every damn thing.
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By Blogger Josue', at 10:19 PM EDT

You think I would avoid commenting on this post? LOL!

Man, you are just out to piss everyone off with your thoughts today...I see four flat tires in your future...    

By Blogger eni, at 7:25 AM EDT

per piken e pare them te shofesh filmin "buffalo'66".aty ka nje skene shume interesante:))

qeke çik me nerva m'duket:)    

By Blogger Ginamonster, at 10:20 AM EDT

1. I don't know. but I don't worry about the lesbian in the stall next door because, um, I don't generally worry about lesbians. but even if there WAS a rabid one in the stall next door, the ladies room has doors. and only a sicko, gay or strait would peek under.

2.I'm trying to even it out and work to live without going overboard. we'll see how that goes.

3. I don't know, but amen.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 10:34 AM EDT

@josue: I knew you wouldn't be able to avoid it, that's why I said that.

Not really, it's my intention to piss everyone off, just you. Although, to your credit, you don't use the gay card - often! :p what makes you think I want to piss those ppl off? Some of my good friends are black or gay (I love this line!. Some are both, like yourself :D LOL!


@gina: i guess you're right, women's bathroom's have doors. but men's urinals don't :(

@eni: kshu te dukem moj sikur jam me nerva e? nuk e kam degju ket filmin. c'me kujton ti mua se jam qe te shof filma me 69?? :p    

By Blogger eni, at 1:01 PM EDT

po jo ore se tallem me nervat:)
sa i perket filmit there's no nasty thing:)) eshte nje pjese qe ai robi rref nje homo qe ja ngulte syte kur ishte ne banjo..thashe se kjo do te lehtesonte po ta shihje:)    

By Blogger Josue', at 9:50 PM EDT

my profile pic may be black and gay, but am more brown and straight. :p    

By Blogger shqipo, at 7:10 AM EDT


By Blogger bizele, at 9:46 AM EDT

about point number two: this time that I was in EU, at least in Greece and Albania people worked as much there as they do in the states (mos te them dhe me shume ne disa raste). Mendoj se kur dikush punon per biznesin e tij, apo ka nje pune me te cilen eshte teper i angazhuar dhe ka perfitime te medha, dhe orari i punes shtohet gjithmone e me shume.    

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