Vermont, here I come!
I have heard people raving about Vermont's natural beauties but, during these 13 years in the US, I never had a chance (or made an effort) to go there.
It looks like I made a big mistake! Apparently, when people were talking about natural beauty, they literally meant natural beauty... of people... in their natural birthday suits. Being used to the strict no nudity beaches here in Michigan, I had no idea Vermont was a "free for all" state. Well, now I know where my next vacation will be! :)
Although... it may backfire... in case of 80-year olds who decide to bear it all. *shrugs*
It looks like I made a big mistake! Apparently, when people were talking about natural beauty, they literally meant natural beauty... of people... in their natural birthday suits. Being used to the strict no nudity beaches here in Michigan, I had no idea Vermont was a "free for all" state. Well, now I know where my next vacation will be! :)
Although... it may backfire... in case of 80-year olds who decide to bear it all. *shrugs*
Dude, I thought you were talking about rats.
"Vermon... vermin..."
lol! ok ok, I'll change that state's name, point taken, rich
hajde ik bej qef dhe na u kthe me foto te bukra!
Hajde kenaj ka Montreali per nje vizite, meqe nje ore e gjys larg do jesh... Hajde se kena birre vendi me krikell
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