What are they thinking?
I really have no idea what some people think when they leave their kids locked in a car for hours. Unfortunately, this is happening a bit too often lately.
pse nuk thua rrodhen njerezia nga vapa?
By Rich | Championable, at 4:18 PM EDT
Dude. This kills me when it's a DOG. I can't believe people do this with KIDS. Ugh.
By tetena, at 5:06 PM EDT
shqipo, une nuk i degjoj keto lloj lajmesh. Sa dalin ne tv, heq kanalin se edhe ketu ndodhin te pakten nje here ne vit. Dhe mos fillo edhe ti se na prishe gjakun.
By shqipo, at 6:09 PM EDT
sorry I had to bring this here, it just shocks the crap out of me!
By Josue', at 8:20 PM EDT
Let's hope the justice system (that we all have so much faith in; yea right!) does the right thing that this piece of trash rots in a jail cell.....
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