
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.


I know, I haven't written here in about forever and a half, but I've been very busy with work and other issues. Actually, a friend of mine keeps reminding me to "update" this blog so here I am, spilling my brain's overload.

Isn't it interesting how we (or at least some of us) refuse to share this brain overload with others when we're in the company of even close friends, but we don't mind sharing it/them with complete strangers simply because of this barrier - yet bridge - called internet?

I envy those who always see the glass half full, no matter what happens. I guess I'm not one of those people. I can't say I see the glass half empty all the time either, but I think I try to be realistic most of the time. So it's no surprise that when I lose something, the very first instinct is not trying to find out if I gained anything.

Speaking of losses, why is it that we realize the value of something or someone only when we lose it? When we have it, it's there all or most of the time, in front of us, with us and, most of the time, we take it for granted. And we wake up one day and suddenly we find that we've lost what we had. Just like that, no warning lights, no sirens, not a single sign. And then we start realizing what we've lost, how dear it was to us. As time crawls by, we realize there's an empty space inside of us which didn't use to be there before. And it's not a pleasant feeling at all. We try to take back what we lost to fill that space but most of the time we are not able to do so. Then, creative and optimistic as we are, we try to fill that empty space with something else. It doesn't work, that emptiness is like a puzzle space, only one particular piece can be in that place. We try to keep our mind occupied with other things simply to forget, but it doesn't help. The emptiness inside echoes like an empty cave. How do we prevent it?
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By Blogger Josue', at 9:28 PM EDT

[applause]An update!! Yes! Philosophical, but an update...[/applause]    

By Blogger shqipo, at 8:58 AM EDT

Uhm...so philosophical ones aren't cool or worthy to be part of a blog?    

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