
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

New place for a hair cut?

Two days ago I tried this new place to get a haircut, called Lady Jane's. A friend of mine I work with recommended it so I thought I'd give it a try. For some reasons, I just can't seem to find a good hair dresser at a reasonable price. Yes, I'm a bit paranoid about my look (am I shallow?), especially my hair. C'mon, is it too much to ask for a decent cut at less than $10? OK, I'm exaggerating it a little - how about $15?

So this place is pretty much a barber shop that offers $15 haircuts for men. Except that... the "barbers" are actually women... . It looks like some investors have opened up several of these shops around Metro Detroit. And they sure tried to make them as men-friendly as possible: the "barbers" are young women, bleached hair, push-up bras and showing some skin. When I entered the shop, I was confused cause I thought I had accidentally entered a Discount Tire or something similar. There were tires (yes, real ones) everywhere on the waiting area, with big Laz-y-Boys and big screen TVs. It looked like a NASCAR stop -pit. When you sit down, there are two smaller TVs on each side (front) showing different trashy Jerry Springer like shows or/and sports.

I have to say whoever came up with this concept is quite smart. What I mentioned above, combined with a dim light, not only appeal to a certain group of men, but it also distracts customers to see the quality of haircut they're getting.

My haircut was OK, not too bad, although, since I'm picky, I had a couple of complaints. BUT, because of the stupid lighting, I couldn't see them when I was there but discovered them when I got home. Arrgh! I'll give it another try though.
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By Blogger Lily, at 5:22 PM EST

Even if these women are really skilled, how can they do a good job when they're cutting hair in dim light.....and yet you're giving them another try.Hmm..:p    

By Blogger Josue', at 9:13 AM EST

I CANNOT believe you actually went to that place...LOL!

Is that not the place that is FOR MEN ONLY and no women (other than the ones cutting hair) or children are allowed to come in?

Just pay the price and be happy!!!    

By Blogger shqipo, at 10:52 AM EST

You better believe it josue'. What can I say, not everyone makes the big bucks to pay what you pay for a haircut :P I didn't see a sign anywhere where it said no women or children allowed. Nor did I experience any stripping - unless there's a back room I wasn't told!

Lilly...yes, it was kinda dim, I'll give it another try cause the "deffects" I saw weren't that big of a deal. But next time I'll be much more careful.    

By Blogger Josue', at 10:49 PM EST

I never said anything about stripping...from what I hear, they try to create a MEN ONLY environment...No thanks!! It's like that joke of a gym, Fitness USA..Men train on some days and women on others? F that...    

By Blogger shqipo, at 9:54 AM EST

I'm sure FitnessUSA had a reason to that: maybe peeping Toms like yourself drooling over those women as they work out? :P    

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