I'll teach you how to make money...

One of these bozos is so confident (for lack of a better word) that he promises "You don't have to pay me, I'll send you the program for free!" OK, if I thought this was a scam, now I think it's a stupid scam and I don't feel sorry a bit for those who will fall for it.
Someone, please, explain these to me:
- How come I don't see the names of any of these "successful" millionaires on any "Forbes" lists? If their "program" is so successful and easy, they should've been gaziollionaires by now, right?
- Rule of thumb to be successful in business is to have as little as possible (or none at all) competition. Why, then, would anyone in the right mind try to create as much competition as possible? Why wouldn't these "geniuses" want to make as much money as they can for themselves but, instead, want to tell everyone about it? I don't remember when was the last time that Bill Gates tried to "spin off" as many Microsofts as possible... .
I'm sure these scammers are making money, and their "secret" is nothing else but sell bullshit to naive buyers.
LOL! I'm sure he could.
Speaking of RS, I'm going to write a post about that issue :P
I bet rs could find something positive in this post...:p
Nice blog Shqipo, selfmaderadio
selfmaderadio: thank you and welcome
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