
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.


There has been a lot of complaining lately about jobs being outsourced to other countries. Car manufacturing jobs are being outsourced to Mexico, Canada and Brazil, textile manufacturing to China and Sri Lanka, electronic manufacturing to China, Taiwan and S. Korea, blueberry growing jobs are outsourced to Chile... and the list goes on and on. This, of course has become problematic for all those American employees who have lost their jobs due to outsourcing.

However, I really think we hit rock-bottom outsourcing everything - will there be any jobs left for Americans? It was announced that our wonderful gov't has outsourced torturing to other (mostly Eastern Europeans) countries. C'mon! Even torturing jobs have become more cost-effective to send overseas? This country is really in big trouble, relying for everything on others. What kind of job can the former American torturers find now, pick tomatoes? Oh wait, Mexican immigrants do that now. Eh.... .

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