
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Intelligent Design doesn't receive Seal of Approval

Uh-oh, what do you know, it looks like the interesting theory so close to our leader's heart is now being opposed by the liberal, tree-hugging commies in...Vatican. Yep, the Vatican newspaper and scholars there are saying that ""intelligent design" is not science and that teaching it alongside evolutionary theory in school classrooms only creates confusion."

Isn't that interesting? I am not going to argue right now which theory is right or wrong (have to save it for another blog!) but it doesn't really sound too intelligent to design and try to enforce a religious theory without consulting it first with, oh say, the ones who have claimed to be Jesus' disciples for the past 2000 years, does it? Frankly, taking lessons from some money-siphoning TV evangelists as you clear brush, doesn't really sound too intelligent to me.

I can't wait to hear what the rebuttal from the house painted white would be. I have this feeling that those commies in Vatican are hiding something under their robes, perhaps some WMD. No wonder they keep those long, loose robes! And we got fooled all these years! I can't help yell out a line from "Austin Powers: The spy who shagged me" with the voice of Frau Farbissina: FIRE THE LASER!

I actually feel bad for the administration. As if all those scandals (which are still not enough to call for an impeachment) were not enough, now they have to endure this fiasco as well? What's a cowboy to do, with all that pressure build-up? Perhaps watch Brokeback Mountain? Or, as someone else has said it: "Would someone, please, give him a BJ?"

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By Blogger Josue', at 8:52 PM EST

You get an A+ for working in Frau Farbissina into a post! :p    

By Blogger shqipo, at 12:23 AM EST

he-he, thnx!    

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