
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

How much for that shiny jewelry?

The Abramoff scandal has already taken the news outlets by storm, so there's nothing new anymore about that. Frankly, I don't even understand why everyone seems to be so shocked as to what he did. I agree, he was a bit more aggressive than the others - but isn't what he did called "lobbying" in D.C.? I completely oppose those practices, but hey, afterall, he needed to stay ahead of his competition.

What pisses me off is what he declared in court: "Words will not ever be able to express my sorrow and my profound regret for all my actions and mistakes. I hope I can merit forgiveness from the Almighty and those I've wronged or caused to suffer." I wonder why should he merit "forgiveness" from the Almighty? Notice how the Almighty is the first one to be asked for forgiveness, not the ones he "took" money from, nor the cheated people who voted for and are represented by the Congressmen/Senators he bribed. How, exactly, was the Almighty affected by his actions to be asked for forgiveness?

What made me laugh was when I read on the news a couple of days ago how the Native American tribes, who paid him gazillions of $, feel exploited/cheated by him and are quite upset and want his scalp. Some of the tribal leaders (who wrote the checks from the $$ they make from casinos) even went as far as saying that first they got cheated from the Europeans 400 years ago, then they got exploited for their land a couple of hundred years ago, and this would be the third time that "white man" exploits them. First of all, I'm not just trying to be politically correct, but I do sympathize with Native Americans for what was done to them in the past - I really do! But the feelings of these bribing tribes who just got caught with their pants down now are just way off. I just don't see how Abramoff can be a Gen. Custer.

But the main point I want to make is this: how were they cheated? Do they feel cheated because their scheme to gain illegal privileges was exposed? If that's the case, yes, they're right. I don't think anyone forced them to try and bribe members of US Congress/Senate so they could gain illegal privileges for their casinos, such as stopping other tribes to build casinos nearby. I'm sorry but I think they gambled (pun intended) and, just like what happens most of the time to their customers at their casinos, they lost! Now stop trying to cover up your illegal efforts with cries for sympathy!

It's my understanding that those who offer bribes and the ones who take them are the ones who needs to be punished (by law). It looks to me like Abramoff was just the middle link, a messenger, so to speak. It's really simple, it's all about supply and demand. If there was no supply or demand, then there wouldn't be Ambramoff. Indian tribes who paid and the legislators who took the bribes are the ones that need to be in court!

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