
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

God's Land

So what is new, Pat Robertson did it again. After dropping the bomb calling to assassinate the President of Venezuela, now he's throwing his wrath against Israel's Prime Minister who's lying in coma.

Apparently, Pat thinks that God is punishing Sharon for dividing God's land, saying: "God considers this land to be his. You read the Bible and he says 'This is my land,' and for any prime minister of Israel who decides he is going to carve it up and give it away, God says, 'No, this is mine.'"

Here comes my "amazement" part: Those people who listen to him and have been following and financing him for the past billion years (taking into consideration his dinosauric age), do they really believe all the crap he diarrheas from his mouth? Do they listen to him with glazed eyes and are awed at what he says? Does he really think God speaks to him and tells him to say outloud these lunatic ideas? If so, doesn't that make his God a loony as well?

Now let me look at the "this is God's land" portion, which, apparently, is referring to Israel. I thought God was the super-power that created everything, including our tiny Earth. What does he need Israel for? And why only Israel? Is He going to build a nice villa there? Or maybe a farm? If so, does he clear the brush Himself, what kind of pick-up truck does he drive? Who did God buy that land from? Has he been paying taxes all these years? If God is super-natural, what difference does it make to Him if a piece of land is divided between by a political border? How come local administrative division (counties, towns, cities, etc.) doesn't make a difference to God but the name Palestine does? Do all people who work in God's land work for him? How do they get instructions? How and how often does he pay them? Can one live on that salary? Are all those people who live there chosen by Him? Are they special and privileged? What about the 6 billion other people who don't live on that little land, are we all doomed? Should we rush to apply for citizenship there? If those inhabitants are privileged, how come He's allowing they get blown up almost daily? Or are those the ones who didn't meet their brush-clearing quota?

I have so many questions! I wonder if Pat will be able to answer them for me. Do I need to send some money to him so he can ask God?
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By Blogger ITS, at 10:19 AM EST

That's where Jesus was born. Not the Father God but the Son God. ;)    

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