
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Brother visiting

My brother arrived yesterday for a 2 week visit. Haven't seen him in 2 years. He caught me by surprise (as always) telling me just a few days before his visit. I don't know if I'll be able to entertain him properly as I still have work to do and such, plus he picked the wrong season to visit Michigan. Oh well... what's new? It looks like it's a general Albanian habit to make no plans in advance but just pack and go.

He looks like me, although older :P and skinnier. As I was growing up, I looked up to him, actually I was a bit jealous. For instance, when he started learning English, I tried to do the same too, although I was still in first grade. He started to draw, I tried to do the same too, but he was/is way better than me and went on to make that a career. We would be in a "brotherly" competition for knowledge. He's a very smart and talented guy, but he is an introvert, and a perfectionist. I think that's what is keeping him from achieving much more, and people taking advantage (professionally) of his kindness. Afterall, we live in a fast-paced, extroverted, dog-eat-dog world.

Let's hope we'll have a good time.
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