
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Brokeback or bareback?

"Brokeback Mountain" has been making waves all over US, stirring the Academy (reviewers claim it's the best film of the year) but most of all, heating up seats under Jerry Falwell think-alikes' asses (I guess I can say that word on my blog) and make them jump up screaming.

Well, I haven't watched that movie yet, so I am not going to defend its artistic values. We haven't been to the movies in a long time (subject for another blog - possibly - hey, how else am I going to fill up my server?). But what surprises me is the passion and force that so-called religious people are bitching about this movie, as if a movie would lure kids (of all ages) to "convert" into gay - yes, convert, since, according them, we are all born heterosexual. Seriously, do these people really think this way? Using this f...- up logic, it appears to me that by now we'd have no gays whatsoever, because they'd all be converted to straight after watching the countless Hollywood straight/hetero romantic movies. Heck, I don't think I've seen any movie where there's not a love line (straight, of course), involved!

Now, here's what I don't understand: I do not claim to know the Bible that well, although I've read it once or twice. So, I may be wrong, but I never remember anything on the New Testament where Jesus or whoever else, condemned homosexuals. I do, however, remember how Jesus was all against violence and wars, etc. The "turn the other cheek" (not the butt, cheek!) has become well-known even among non-Christians (although I have never seen it put into practice). Despite that, there are hundreds of movies that depict wars, battles, fights, violence, rape, sex, etc. - yet they don't get all this opposition that Brokeback is getting.

So, the message that I'm getting is that being gay is much more dangerous than being violent and killing people. God can forgive a killer (e.g. Tookie but homos are going straight to hell! I actually think they should consider homosexuality a terrorist threat. They should even have a national and local gay alert level - they probably had gays in mind when they designed the "threat alert" cause it has gay colors.

Why couldn't they just make a regular Western movie, where people are shot for simply looking at someone in the wrong way and bodies pile up inside a saloon full of alcohol and (gasp!) whores. No religious objections there, that's for sure.

Here come the questions: Perhaps the governor of Utah and all the rest who are against this movie knew something we don't know and were right. Why, exactly, is that mountain called Brokeback? Did they call it that way because it's a hangout place for homos? How does one break his back there (not that I'm particularly concerned, mind you), by too much man-on-man riding? Do they yell "ride 'em cowboy" as they go at it? Is it possible that the mountain it's actually called "Bareback mountain" because of, well, all the "bareback" homo sexual activity but they decided to change it for the movie so it wouldn't upset (more than it has) the religious fundamentalist/evangelists?
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By Blogger ITS, at 9:22 PM EST

In the New Testament there is nothing against homosexualism. Jesus stood for tolerance and acceptance, and Christian fundamentalists have nothing in common with his teachings.

I am a Christian, and looking forward to seeing this movie. Gots to find out what all the fuss is about.

The title of your post is lame though. I heard that joke when the movie was in the production phase.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 12:26 AM EST

I know, my creativity is/was suffering.

BTW, to everyone, I hope my comments aren't taken against a certain religion (Christianity). I'm just very allergic to all types of fundamentalism, no matter what flavor it is.    

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