
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

"Fair distribution"

three wishes from a «good fay»
Originally uploaded by __sensual.
Since I have a "thing" for photography, I often browse through Flickr. There are some very good photographers who share their work - and I'm glad they do.

One of them is this lady who, I assume lives somewhere in Europe. I'm not sure why but I have a strong feeling she's somewhere in Eastern Europe (no, Albania is NOT geographically Eastern Europe but Southern Europe). She does some good photography, although almost all of it is Photoshoped - but she's got skills :)

This one is from her. The reason I decided to talk about it is what she has as #2. Being in the position I am (financially) I would jump up and say "yeah! that's what should be done." But I think it's quite, uhm... unfair (pun intended).

First of all, what do people mean by "distribution?" Who is distributing this wealth? I haven't seen anyone standing at the street corner handing out money. Nor do I know of anyone or any entity sending out checks to people's homes based on their label as "rich" or "poor" - oh wait, I do know. It's called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (a.k.a welfare).

Second, what is considered "fair" and who judges what is or is not fair? For instance, I don't think it's fair that people who choose to sit on their ass all day watching Jerry Springer should get any of my hard-earned money (OK, most of it is hard-earned). How "fair" is it that they should get the same "distribution" as the ones who actually get up at wee hours in the morning and work 60-80 or more hours a week?

It's also interesting (to me) to see how much I've changed. Growing up in a low-income family (even by Albanian standards), it naturally made me angry to see all my best friends who had much more than I did, because their fathers were doctors, engineers, etc. Seriously, I was the poorest in our "group." I am not ashamed to say that most of my clothes were hand-me-downs. My parents worked very hard and sacrificed a lot for my brother and me.

Anyway, enough about me, this is just MY blog anyway :)

It is quite interesting though that many Europeans have the same mentality about this equal wealth distribution, while Americans are a tad different.

My point that I'm trying to make is that I don't think there's a way for equal distribution, unless all other factors are the same. For instance, if people worked equally hard, then they should gain the same wealth. But we know that is far from the truth, hence, no "fair" distribution. BUT... there are many of those who are on the "unfair" end of distribution (read: the rich ones) who do give away quite a bit of that money to others. Look at the thousand charities, etc. It's because of these generous people that I was able to go to school and be where I'm at right now.

And that's my $2000 on this issue.
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By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:47 PM EST

that's a bit communistic... "fair distribution"!? :-) you would have to overcome human nature to achieve that. Well.... good luck

I think she needs to be a little more realistic with her wishes, not just #2 but all three of them.    

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