
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Pathetic "morals"

With Super Bowl XL just a day away, I guess it's appropriate to, at least, read something about it. I'm not a big fan of American football, but this year Detroit is hosting it so I'm going to be a little more attentive. Frankly, the only reason I've watched Super Bowl games has been to watch commercials.

It looks like ABC learned from its rival's (CBS) "mistakes" two years ago so it will broadcast the big game with a 5 second delay - the first time ever in the 40-year history of the Super Bowl. Granted, I doubt those 5 seconds delay will have any impact whatsoever on the millions of viewers, especially for a game which is interrupted just about every 5 seconds anyway.

What bothers me is that the reason why they're going to impose this delay is to avoid any infamous "wardrobe malfunction" which, in 2004, revealed Janet Jackson's <gasp>breast</gasp> (and it wasn't really that nice anyway). Because, showing a bare breast on network TV for a few seconds is very inapppropriate, it damages kids' beahavior and morality as it interrupts them from watching 300 lbs. hormone-injected men crush each-other's bones.

I don't really blame ABC. Afterall, who wants to pay all those stupid FCC fines and all the bad publicity for their business cause by some un-official moral police made up of "upright citizens" whose Marine boys just dropped a 1000 lbs bomb at some innocent Iraqis. It's true, a piece of fatty tissue shown on TV is much more dangerous and problematic than thousands of lives lost for no national reason or the fact that everyone of us is being watched by the government. That fatty tissue is so much more important, it prompted for Congress hearings! The evil in me thinks those members of Congress simply wanted to "examine" the "evidence" much more closer... .

And, of course, there are financial reasons. Besides FCC fines, there's the risk of ever-present lawsuits by fucktards like the good ol' Southern women from TN, Terri Carlin, who, with the help of some eager ambulance chasing lawyer, decided to sue anyone they could think of (that was involved in the "incident") for billions of dollars because that fatty tissue caused viewers to "suffer outrage, anger, embarrassment and serious injury." Ms. Carlin (I wonder why she's still a Ms. ...) is right! I was very outraged and angered...because Janet didn't show more! :)

Some so-called moralists truly amaze me.

With all this diversion, I don't really care who wins the game tomorrow - as long as they have some clever and funny commercials. Good luck to both teams!
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By Blogger Josue', at 6:49 PM EST

"Your honor. May I approach the bench with both pieces of evidence firmly in my grasp?" LOL!

By the way, you should pick a side (a team)..It is complete sacrilege to wish good luck to BOTH teams...:p

Also, I agree with you on this post...    

By Blogger shqipo, at 10:31 PM EST

LOL! I'm sure you'd like to grasp them :P

For a change, the mighty Josue' agreed! Just kidding.    

By Blogger ITS, at 10:45 AM EST


You can't really relate everything to the Iraq war. If you did that you would go insane. I do agree on the double standards, but American football goes a century back, and if you try to understand it, you will appreciate it too.

Go Steelers!    

By Blogger shqipo, at 11:58 PM EST

I guess I didn't make my point clear. I wasn't trying, by any means, to put football down. I just mentioned that I am not a big fan of it (although I do understand it), just like some may not like, say, hockey.

And the Iraqi war wasn't my point either, I guess I couldn't find a better example to show there are far more disburbing things to worry or be outraged about than Janet's tit. :)    

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