
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.

Coffee shop studying

Last night a friend of mine wanted to meet my brother so we went to this coffee shop (chain) in "trendy" Royal Oak. Everything went well, good coffee shop-type discussion - mostly about Albanian politics, of course, as all coffee shop discussions among Albanians are, etc.

I've seen this phenomena many times before but last night it start to burn a hole in my brain: about 65% of the people who were at this place were either studying, reading, or working on their laptops. Being one who never went to a coffee shop to study or read (although I have gone on numerous occasions to meet and work with clients), I just can't comprehend how people can study there! Coffee shops are, by far, the quietest places, even if a minority of patrons are the ones talking over coffee. Multiple the decibel level by a good amount when a bunch of Albanians (or any other group from a high-context culture) are present.

I remember from my studying days (yes, contrary to popular belief, I did practice that activity) that those who really wanted to study, would try and find the quietest places there were, such as libraries, empty classrooms that someone forgot open, cars, even somewhere in the woods surrounding our campus.

So, is this coffee shop studying just a new trend or can ppl really study there?
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By Blogger Josue', at 11:07 PM EST

It's not a new concept at all. It's not really my style to "study" with all the noise. People just want to be seen there. There is no way you can do real studying there. No way.    

By Blogger nuvole, at 12:32 PM EDT

i randomly clicked on your archive and it took me to this one here blog. i beg to differ.

personally, and i am not just blowing hot air up my arse, i've always been a real good student but ever since i can remember, and my parents will attest to this, i could not study in quiet if i really wanted to study. when i would go in my room i would start daydreaming, drawing, procrastinating..you name it. so instead i would go into the living room where my parents, brother and grandma were always talking, cooking, watching tv etc.

just to prove to you that this IS a phenomena and not a trend, when i would be home alone, i would turn on the stereo/radio AND tv and sit there and study.    

By Blogger shqipo, at 12:52 PM EDT

klodiana, you ARE different! :p    

By Blogger nuvole, at 4:51 PM EDT

and by different you mean genius, right?    

By Blogger shqipo, at 10:39 PM EDT

of course! what else could I ever mean?    

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