
Shqipo's Virtual Mumblings

Shqipo's personal blog, about anything and nothing.


Continuing with my pissy mood thread, same day I posted my previous post, I went to my dentist to have a root canal done. It's actually a bit odd, because several months ago I had agonizing pain on that tooth for several days; nothing would stop it but cold water - for a few seconds. I even tried, for the first time, Tylenol 3 that my dentist prescribed and didn't do anything, except for making me feel nauseous. Several sleepless nights, x-rays, 2 dentists (one a specialist) and quite a bit of $ later, they couldn't figure out why I was having that pain. But I guess anti-biotech did help and it went away. It did come back again, however, so I went to my dentist again - only this time was a bit different, I was check by her brother who indicated that I needed a root canal.

OK, so I went on Thursday to finish it. My appointment was at 3 o'clock. Ended up waiting till 4:15 until I finally gave up (had to go to work). I want to scream and protest, but I can't since they're already giving me some discount.

Maybe I should've become a dentist... .
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By Blogger ITS, at 2:44 PM EST

have you considered buying a round trip ticket to motherland, and having it done in there..

the dentistry has dramatically improved and the prices are really cheap compared to north america....

good luck...    

By Blogger shqipo, at 4:57 PM EST

Well, I know about the prices being quite cheap and new equipment being installed. Not sure about the rest though, and I don't know if a $900 airfar (plus all the other expenses) would bring me any ROI.    

By Blogger Josue', at 8:44 AM EST

I have a rusty pair of pliars and a chisle for you if you are considering ROI. I can make 10 out of 10 free throws also, if that proves I have good aim. :p

There is no way I would sit aroud for an hour and 15min for a friggin tooth doctor...You are a better man than me...    

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